Međunarodni projekti

Reshaping of Agricultural Vocational Studies in the Western Balkans

Organizacije (3)
br. Šifra Istraživačka organizacija Mesto Matični broj Br. publikacijaBr. publikacija
1.  0108  Institut za stočarstvo  Beograd - Zemun  07017537 
2.  0185  Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija  Požarevac   
3.  0243  Institut za krmno bilje d.o.o.  Globoder  20206861 
AGRIVOC project focuses on the improvement of vocational studies in agriculture (crop rpotection, animal husbandry, viticulture & viniculture, farming and crop protection), and food technology. The project aims to upgrade the knowledge base and practical ability of students to work in agricultural and food related field by improving the curriculum of courses, subjects and methods of teaching and by developing students' vocational training program. In the past decade of higher education reform within the Bologna process, vocational studies in the Western Balkans have been ignored and have not received as much attention as the academic studies. In this regard, vocational study programmes have not been properly reformed and are thus still characterized predominantly by theoretical content without sufficient practical training in real working environment. Given the nature of vocational studies and the fact that these programmes educate staff directly for the labor market, the neglect of vocational studies in the reform process and the lack of practical training in real working environment resulted in a low employability of students, their declining interest for these studies and the lack of adequate profiles in the labor market. Wider objective is to improve and upgrade vocational study programs in 5 agriculture and food production disciplines at professional bachelor and master levels in Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Specific objectives include: reform and improvement of the curricula and teaching methodology, enhancement of entrepreneurial competence of students and their employability, development of the curricula and methodology of students vocational training programs, strengthening self-sustainability of students vocational trainings through enhancing cooperation with local, agriculture and food production communities.
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