Međunarodni projekti

Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia

Organizacije (3)
br. Šifra Istraživačka organizacija Mesto Matični broj Br. publikacijaBr. publikacija
1.  0055  Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača  Novi Sad   
2.  0056  Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača  Sremska Mitrovica   
3.  0210  Visoka škola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača  Kikinda   
TEACH project deals with harmonization of preschool teacher training of 4 VET schools in Serbia. Specific project objectives are to: a) harmonize curricula through identifying the harmonization framework and developing individual harmonization plans; b) certify harmonized curricula at all participating VET colleges through re-accreditation and enrollment of the 1st generation of students; c) improve transversal skills of teachers through training of trainers (ToT sessions) and spill-over training sessions; d) improve teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences of teachers through identifying learning outcomes and methods of achieving them;The project is structured to have 8 work packages. WP.1 will deal with harmonization of the curricula through workshops and study visits. Throughout this WP 4 VET colleges will work on adjusting their curricula and prepare it for re-accreditation process. WP.2 will deal with improving of teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences. Through 4 interactive seminars needs analysis and study visits, teachers in Serbia will learn how to organize interactive PBL classes. Third WP deals with improving of transversal skills. Throughout this WP each VET college will create it team of trainers. WP.4 will deal with accreditation, purchase and installation of equipment and enrollment of students. WP.5 is dissemination work package. It will assume organization of promo events, media activities, visual identity and web site development etc. WP.6 will deal with sustainability of project results. Key elements of sustainability will be reflected in English language courses for teaching/non-teaching staff, transversal skills trainings for teaching and non-teaching staff and student representatives and adoption of skills improvement strategy by each VET college in the project. WP.7 deals with quality. QA committee will hold regular sessions and monitor implementation. Eighth WP deals with project management through SC meetings.
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