Međunarodni projekti

COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories

Organizacije (3)
br. Šifra Istraživačka organizacija Mesto Matični broj Br. publikacijaBr. publikacija
1.  0038  Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka  Novi Sad  08067104 
2.  0040  Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet  Novi Sad  08104620 
3.  0061  Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija  Zrenjanin   
The project proposal under the title Cool & Hot (COlest Of Labs & Hottest Of Theories) mixes, blends and unites faces, voices, results and energies of many generations of researchers in offering the public at large, regardless of their age and scientific background, the opportunity to get up-close and personal with researchers. However, a special emphasis in this project will be given to inspiring and motivating next generations of scientists. Since young adults are all about what is hot and what is cool, we have chosen to focus on those specific aspects of science and researchers.The outlined concept and the content planned will help achieving the following specific objectives:• To break and demystify the persistent and repeated stereotypes about researchers; • To bring out the actual researchers in Serbia, engage them publically and increase their recognition in Serbian society – locally, but globally as well; • To promote research carried out in Serbia and researchers as role models;• To unveil the motives behind becoming a researcher;• To entice the young to embark on scientific careers;• To raise public awareness of the researchers' contribution to progress and development;• To raise public awareness about climate changes and global warming;• To highlight the importance of the EU’s manifold support to researchers and scientific research work in Serbia;• To improve networking with other national/international projects involved in science popularization, through mutual support of events and exchange of ideas, experiences and people.
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