REST API for user access to E-CRIS data

The REST user requests for access to E-CRIS data are available at the general address:{system}/{language}/service

For the Slovenian system (SICRIS), the following address is used when addressing requests:

The main link must be updated with the addresses for individual methods and search parameters, as is described below, in order to be able to access the available authorisation methods and access to E-CRIS entity data.


ZAuthorisation is required to access the E-CRIS data. It is performed for every claim based on the acquired JWT token. The valid toked is acquired based on the initial REST claim with a valid username and password.

The JWT token is acquired using the POST method getjwt:


In the POST claim body for acquiring the JWT token, the parameters username and password must be included:


"username": "user_name",

"password": "valid_password"


The result of a request with successful authorisation using a valid username and password in the JSON format:


"jwt": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzeXN0ZW0iOiJzaSIsInNleCI6IkYiLCJzaWduZWRJbiI6dHJ1ZSwidXNySWQiOjQ1OTcsImVudGl0eUlkIjo0NzcwMiwidG9rZW5UeXBlIjoiU0hPUlQiLCJ0eXBlIjoiU0hPUlQiLCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IlJTUi5TSS40MDQ5MyIsImVudGl0eSI6IlJlc2VhcmNoZXIiLCJpc3MiOiJpenVtLnNpIiwiaWF0IjoxNjUyNzc1NTM2LCJleHAiOjE2NTI4NjE5MzZ9.Oh2ESevUmhHE0G1dGIzKNZZ6F4Nt2_2KZNfpSo5zaCI",

"statusKey": "You have logged in successfully",

"status": "OK"


UIn the case of an incorrect claim or an error, the following responses are possible:

Status Meaning
401 Unauthorized The wrong registration number and/or e-mail address was entered, or the password is incorrect
404 Not found The data for the given search request does not exist
500 Internal_server_error Access to data is not possible due to incorrectly stated claim parameters
501 Not Extended The method is missing in the REST claim

For claims for all further methods for accessing E-CRIS entity data, a valid JWT token must be included. If there is no token or it is invalid, the server retrieves error 401 (Unauthorized).

The JWT token is only valid for 24 hours!

Claims for accessing E-CRIS entity data

To access the data available in the E-CRIS system, the retrieval of methods related to each system entity is used.

E-CRIS entity REST claim



Projects and programmes









Researchers’ bibliographies


The available methods for accessing data on the individual entities are used in the same way as demonstrated on the example of claims for access to data on projects and programmes:


Result of a performed GET claim:

{"frame":"MST","id":18090,"stat":"REG","statadm":"UPD","statdate":"2020-04-17T09:15:00","type":"PRG","classificationDescr":["Kmetijske rastline","Rastlinska produkcija in predelava","Biotehnika"],"counter":"5828","field":"03","science":"4","subfield":"01","avfte":4982,"code":"P4-0085","codeContract":"0085","codeProgramme":"P","codeScience":"4","enddate":"2025-12-31","firstName":"Domen","lastName":"Leštan","mstrank":"D","name":"Agroekosistemi","resaercherFullName":"dr. Domen Leštan","rsrCode":"08259","rsrid":6345,"rsrttl":"DOD","startdate":"2020-01-01","title":"dr.","uplimit":0}, ....

Example of creating a REST claim with included parameters and access to data based on ID Result
... /project/search The main search query retrieves the first 10 records from the list of projects and programmes
... /project/search?query=*&limit=ALL All records from the list of projects and programmes
... /project/search?query=matematika&limit=5 The first records from the list of projects and programmes
... /project/{id} (npr: ... /project/18090 Data on the project with cerifId=18090
... /researcher/47702 General information about the researcher with E-CRIS id=47702
... /researcher/search?query=35460 Wider set of data on the researcher with code 35460 based on the performed query.
... /researcher/search?query=&frascati=30000limit=20 Data on the first 20 researchers in the area of medicine
... /organization/search?query=AdriaData Data on organisations with the name AdriaData
... /group/search?query=A-LIFE Data on the group named A-LIFE
... /project/search?query=L1&limit=5 Display of data on five projects from the list or projects entered in the E-CRIS system whose registration number includes the string L1./td>
... /project/search?query=L1&offset=10&limit=5 If you wish to display the results by pages, add the parameter offset. For the result from the example, the first 10 projects are skipped and the following 5 projects are displayed.
... /biblio/researcher/50420 The list contains a list of COBISS.XX-ID for the researcher based on the researcher’s code.
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