Equipment source: ARIS

Printer Dimatix Materials

Purpose of equipment
Allows the application of various coatings on surface solid samples. The InkJet printer allows the disposable use of A4-based liquid materials using disposable inkjet cards. This printer can design and define patterns on an area of ​​approximately 200 x 300 mm in thicknesses up to 25 mm with adjustable height Z. The temperature of the vacuum plates that attach the substrate can be up to 60 ° C. The system also has an integrated web camera to optimize features droplet formation and deposition. This system makes it easy to print structures and samples for process verification and prototyping.
Access of equipment
Responsible for equipment: PhD Karin Stana Kleinschek
URL: http://www.fs.um.si/raziskovanje/raziskovalna-oprema/
Use is possible on the basis of prior agreement
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (1) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  P2-0118  TEXTILE CHEMISTRY  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  PhD Lidija Fras Zemljič  6,072 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0795  University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering  Maribor  5089638010  23,928 
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