Slovenian Current Research Information System

SICRIS in brief

The SICRIS information system is being developed and maintained by the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) in Maribor and the  Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).

The following entities are currently presented in SICRIS:


In preparing the databases structure internationally-approved standards, classification schemes, EU recommendations (CERIF - Common European Research project Information Format), and legal regulations in force in Slovenia have been considered.

The databases are interconnected and most of the data is presented in Slovene and English language. All of the key fields can be searched. SICRIS has a link to the COBISS.SI system  and to COBIB.SI, its bibliographic database, which allows the users also a direct insight into researchers' bibliographies.


The RESEARCHERS database includes basic information (code, name, research area) on all researchers who have taken part in Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency projects since 1998, or whose active status has been either registered or confirmed by the research organisations. Other supplementary data is available only for the researchers who submitted the required data and agreed on its publication. Researchers/experts  not being funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency are also able to join SICRIS if they provide the data. The data structure:


The PROJECTS / PROGRAMMES database contains data on projects and programmes partly financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency from 1998 onwards. In the future it will also include data on all other research projects their authors will wish to present. The data structure:


The ORGANISATIONS database should contain information on all research organisations carrying out projects partly financed by Ministry of science from 1995 onwards. The complete data, however, is available only for the organisations that responded to the invitation of 14 June 1999 and submitted the required data. V SICRIS se vključujejo tudi organizacije , ki sicer ne sodelujejo pri izvajanju projektov ARIS, če izvajajo raziskovalno - razvojno dejavnost, o kateri poročajo Statističnemu uradu RS in želijo biti z dejavnostjo svojih raziskovalcev/ekspertov predstavljene v SICRIS-u. The data structure:


The GROUPS database contains basic information (code, name, research area) on all research groups carrying out projects partly financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency from 1998 onwards, and other supplementary data for currently active research groups if required data was submitted by the research organisations. A research group consists only of researchers and professional or technical associates, for which required data was provided. The data structure:


The data is collected on the basis of the prescribed ARIS forms ( and transferred to the SICRIS server at IZUM. Researchers with an ARIS code can enter some of their details directly to SICRIS. Companies and organisations with high-technology and research potential and Slovenian researchers abroad enter all their details directly to SICRIS.

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