Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of the model for monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects in public sector

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.04.01  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences  Public administration 

Code Science Field
S170  Social sciences  Political and administrative sciences 

Code Science Field
5.06  Social Sciences  Political science 
public policy modelling, public policy impacts evaluation, evaluation indicators, catalogue of indicators, public sector efficiency
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18942  PhD Aleksander Aristovnik  Economics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  955 
2.  31838  PhD Mitja Durnik  Political science  Researcher  2016  177 
3.  28239  PhD Tina Jukić  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2017 - 2019  167 
4.  19293  PhD Maja Klun  Economics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  879 
5.  33132  PhD Žiga Kotnik  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2017 - 2019  126 
6.  23676  PhD Polonca Kovač  Law  Researcher  2016 - 2019  1,555 
7.  34207  Mitja Kožman  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2016 - 2019 
8.  38016  Miha Lebič    Technical associate  2016 - 2019 
9.  34302  PhD Jernej Mencinger  Economics  Researcher  2016 - 2017  46 
10.  30418  MSc Aleksander Novaković  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2016 - 2019 
11.  32754  PhD Dalibor Stanimirović  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2018 - 2019  203 
12.  19329  PhD Janez Stare  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2016 - 2019  696 
13.  16302  PhD Ljupčo Todorovski  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  448 
14.  28519  PhD Lan Umek  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2017 - 2019  216 
15.  02262  PhD Mirko Vintar  Computer science and informatics  Head  2016 - 2019  420 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0590  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration  Ljubljana  1627163  8,929 
2.  2323  IPMIT Institute for Project management and Information Tecnology Ltd.  Ljubljana  1294105 
The proposed study is based on the conclusion that the institutional and administrative aspects of the public policies, programmes, and projects (PPPP) implementation are one of the weakest points of the operation of Slovene government and its public administration. The theoretical part of the study draws from established theories, such as institutional theory, system theory, theory of rational choice, and good governance theory. Public governance, regardless of the content of individual policies, refers to  two levels, (1)  a political-institutional level and (2) the level of administrative-implementation, i.e. the instrumental level. The two level operate in fundamentally different ways. The first level is mostly in the domain of politics, which implements its goals through government and parliament. The proposed project is focused on the second level, the administrative-implementation level, which uses the administrative apparatus (public administration bodies) to realise the politically and institutionally defined goals and priorities in the field of PPPP. We are missing the comprehensive analysis of the situation and of the weaknesses in the domain of implementation and evaluation of PPPP impacts. Neither can we find any attempts in Slovenia to unify the approaches or develop unified methodology of monitoring and evaluating the effects of the PPPP. The indicators of PPPP success are rarely used and IT support of the PPPP implementation processes is weak. The existing instruments allow us to only partially assess the state of public policies. The issue is markedly interdisciplinary. The existing tools are not appropriate for the competent preparation and even less for the monitoring and evaluation of the PPPP. We need interdisciplinary, systematic solutions that would allow the integration of all key aspects to the preparation and implementation of PPPP, especially the institutional, normative, economic/financial and organisational/informational aspect. The aim of this project is to analyse  the current situation in Slovenia and comparatively  in selected EU countries to develop a unified methodology and generic integrated model to support the implementation and evaluation of impacts of PPPP. The model will be supported by a catalogue of indicators and a prototype of an IT solution for a unified monitoring and implementation of PPPP in any domain. The model will be tested in real environment of Slovene ministries on at least three selected PPPP. The main added value of the suggested model is the integration of different aspects of PPPP implementation (process, economic/financial and normative/regulatory). The model will be backed by a consistent system of interconnected and vertically compatible quantitative indicators, which will allow real-time evaluation of the effects and a feedback loop in the PPPP implementation cycle. The study will be conducted in three phases. The first phase of the study will include an analysis of the PPPP implementation within the public administration authorities in Slovenia and a comparative study of selected countries. The second phase will involve the development of a generic model of PPPP implementation and evaluation, based on its own catalogue of indicators. The third phase will be extension of the KRONOS catalogue of indicators, which will allow the use of the model in any PPPP domain. An IT solution will be constructed to allow the use of the model and the catalogue of indicators, which will be tested on three selected PPPP implementation domains. The study is designed to lead us to new theoretical findings about the key PPPP implementation aspects as well as to results and solutions which will contribute significantly to strengthening the PPPP implementation competences of the top hierarchical levels of ministries and directorates (and on the local level). The catalogue of indicators will be published online as a public expert database (in two languages).
Significance for science
The planned study has clearly defined scientific and professional goals. On one hand, we want to contribute to improvement of theoretical instruments for a more systematic treatment of the PPPP implementation and better understanding of the complexity of this field within the scientific community. On the other hand, we also wish to contribute  to the improvement of the competences of administrative authorities responsible for implementation of PPPP in their domains. 1. From the theoretical point of view, the study will focus mostly on the institutional and organisational aspects of the PPPP implementation within public administration organs. We will define the key institutional factors, placement of “Policy making units” within the organisational structure of ministries and directorates, their necessary competences and personnel structure. We will define the key institutional and organisational factors for the successful implementation of PPPP regardless of the chosen domain, which can therefore be generally applied in every domain. 2. Based on the research of key success factors on one hand and a number of models and approaches in the field of preparation and implementation of PPPP on the other hand, we will develop a unified generic model of PPPP implementation, which will be tested within the actual environment of Slovene ministries. The most important contribution of the developed model will be its inclusion of different aspects of PPPP implementation and the fact that it will allow real-time coordination of various factors of implementation that often critically affect the success of the PPPP implementation. 3. One of the main contributions of the planned study to more efficient implementation of PPPP we consider the model and catalogue of indicators, which will be extended from its original domain, i.e. e-government (within which the catalogue was realised in the scope of the KRONOS project) onto other domains of PPPP implementation. We know that in the scientific sphere as well as in practice, a myriad of different indicators exist, which could be also useful in the PPPP domain, but which are often methodologically, completely incompatible, as they were created within different international organisations such as the UN, OECD, the World Bank, the EU as well as national scientific and professional circles. The main advantage of a unified catalogue of indicators is that it offers methodologically compatible and comparable indicators, which also enables their aggregation at different hierarchy levels of PPPP as well as evaluation of the  PPPP from various points of view: economic, social, ecological, etc 4. A prototype of an IT tool will be developed for real-time monitoring of the chosen PPPP and evaluation of their effects while using the catalogue of indicators. The prototype of the tool will be tested on the selected three examples of PPPP. After the end of project, the tool will be available to scientific and professional public.
Significance for the country
Since the beginning of the crisis, all Slovenia’s indicators of development fell considerably in comparison with other EU and OECD members. Even focusing only on the GDP, which fell from ca. 90% of the European average to ca. 80% of the EU average, we can conclude that Slovenia is one of the countries that the financial and economic crisis after 2008 affected the most. Slovenia almost completely lost its large developmental advantage over all of the new EU members. All these facts confirm our conclusion that it has major issues not only with defining its own developmental goals but also common goals that the EU defines through EU directives. Slovenia has the highest ‘transportation deficit’ (http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/scoreboard/performance_by_governance_tool/transposition/index_en.htm#maincontentSec2) among all the EU members, confirming the above statements that all developmental politics set by the EU are implemented late. The reasons for such state of affairs have been very poorly researched, and the possible solutions of the issues even worse. The latest example of bad practice regarding the implementation of public policies is the construction of the second railway track between Divača and Koper. The construction of this track of the railway connecting one of the biggest ports in the Adriatic with Central Europe has been Slovenia’s top priority for at least ten years. Despite this fact, we have just been informed by the European Commission that our application for co-funding of the project has been rejected due to poorly prepared documentation. As we determined, the problems at all levels of PPPP implementation are of a systemic, institutional, and organisational nature. The proposed study is one of the first to attempt a comprehensive research of the existing situation, to analyse and identify key institutional, organisational, economic and normative factors of successful PPPP implementation and to offer possible solutions. We will form recommendations and solutions that will contribute to a more successful PPPP implementation and thus to a faster development of our society as a whole and its economy in particular. The usage of the developed model and the catalogue of indicators could significantly improve the quality of public policies decision making process and the monitoring of their effects. A more efficient PPPP implementation will put less pressure on public finances and, consequently, help to reduce the burden on the economy.
Most important scientific results Interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report, final report
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