Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
7.00.00  Interdisciplinary research     

Code Science Field
T200  Technological sciences  Thermal engineering, applied thermodynamics 

Code Science Field
2.03  Engineering and Technology  Mechanical engineering 
electrocaloric effect, refrigeration, energy efficiency
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (17)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19038  PhD Andreja Benčan Golob  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2016 - 2019  550 
2.  30895  PhD Blaž Jelenc  Mathematics  Researcher  2016  27 
3.  18580  PhD Andrej Kitanovski  Process engineering  Head  2016 - 2019  523 
4.  50695  PhD Katja Klinar  Process engineering  Junior researcher  2018 - 2019  98 
5.  10124  PhD Zdravko Kutnjak  Physics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  784 
6.  04587  PhD Barbara Malič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2016 - 2019  1,490 
7.  50705  Simon Nosan    Technical associate  2017 - 2019  31 
8.  32160  PhD Nikola Novak  Physics  Researcher  2017 - 2019  133 
9.  35399  PhD Uroš Plaznik  Mechanical design  Researcher  2016 - 2019  40 
10.  06415  PhD Alojz Poredoš  Process engineering  Retired researcher  2016 - 2019  651 
11.  33242  PhD Primož Poredoš  Energy engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2019  111 
12.  29540  PhD Brigita Rožič  Physics  Researcher  2016 - 2019  302 
13.  34418  PhD Urban Tomc  Process engineering  Researcher  2016 - 2018  102 
14.  35485  PhD Maja Trček  Metrology  Researcher  2018 - 2019  40 
15.  29624  PhD Jaka Tušek  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2019  162 
16.  26468  PhD Hana Uršič Nemevšek  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2016 - 2019  681 
17.  23834  PhD Boris Vidrih  Process engineering  Researcher  2019  147 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,767 
2.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
The goal of the project is to design, numerically and experimentally verify and optimize the electrocaloric refrigeration device with the refrigeration power up to 50 W. This device can be later exploited for small refrigerators and will represent an advantage compared to equivalent compressor or sorption refrigerators. It will namely operate with higher energy efficiency. With silent operation and electrocaloric refrigerants it will represent environmentally friendly technology.  The decision to design small refrigerator is based on the fact that conventional small hotel “minibar” refrigerators operate with very low efficiency. Such refrigerators are usually based on sorption technology, which uses heat and is in this particular case provided by electricity. Despite of the fact that also compressor refrigerators can be applied in hotels, these also operate with low efficiency, with too high noise level and application of environmentally harmful refrigerants. The research results of the project can therefore bring important basis for the future research and development of electrocaloric refrigeration, cooling, freezing, heat pumping and air conditioning.   With the project we will solve existing scientific problems of the electrocaloric refrigeration. These regard the lack of knowledge on processing of electrocaloric materials with electrodes into functional composite elements, the lack of experimental knowledge on thermodynamics and heat transfer and the lack of knowledge on prototyping of electrocaloric devices and their component parts.   The project will comprise four vertical and two horizontal Work packages. The project will start (WP1) with the study and characterization of ceramic materials and with the evaluation and selection of methods for processing of electrocaloric materials with electrodes. We will develop a numerical tool and find solutions for the design of electrocaloric regenerators. We will analyze the influence of the working fluid and for the pumping system as well as investigate different heat transfer mechanisms and thermodynamic cycles. In the WP2 we will construct the electrocaloric regenerator. We will also construct main components of the electriocaloric refrigerator. All the components will be integrated into the housing of the refrigerator. A system for control and regulation will be developed. In the WP3 we will build experimental loop and test the electrocaloric refrigerator. We will investigate and later optimize operating parameters of the refrigerator. With the obtained knowledge and previously developed numerical tool we will create algorithms for the optimal operation of the device. In the WP4 we will demonstrate the operation of the refrigerator at real conditions such are common for hotel “minibar” refrigerators. We will also develop the virtual demonstration environment. The fifth work package (WP5) regards dissemination of results and the sixth work package (WP6) regards the management of the project. Both work packages will horizontally run during all the project duration.
Significance for science
With the research and development of the electrocaloric refrigerator we will gain knowledge and experiences in domains of characterization of electrocaloric materials, processing of electrocaloric materials with electrodes, design and construction of electrocaloric regenerators and design and construction of electrocaloric devices. Especially in the last three domains there is a large lack of scientific knowledge and lack of experiences.   Based on the results of the project it will be possible to demonstrate, that the electrocaloric energy conversion presents a reliable alternative technology of the future, which, in comparison with other alternative technologies, shows the largest potential for future research activities. We think, that in the future, the energy-conversion devices (heating, cooling, power generation) will not include moving parts and will, at the same time, reach high energy efficiency with a small negative impact on the environment. Therefore, it is expected that the results of the project will have multiplicative effects and will present important basis for new fields in research and development, which concerns electrocaloric refrigeration, freezing, air-conditioning, heat pumps and development of electrocaloric devices for power generation. This can also have a large impact on the scientific community, which currently deals with conventional systems in the previously listed areas. The results of the project will therefore be a great basis to open new fields in science and technology.   Therefore, it will be very important, that in the frame of the activities, intendant for the presentation of the area of the electrocaloric cooling, the obtained knowledge is transferred to the next generations and to the wider international scientific community.   In the project we will also investigate different thermodynamic cycles. The results of the project will provide important information about possible improvements of working characteristic and energy efficiency of electrocaloric devices. Due to the analogy with other caloric technologies (magnetocaloric, elastrocaloric and barocaloric cooling), it exists the opportunity to transfer the important knowledge and experiences also to these domains.
Significance for the country
Importance for the company Gorenje d.d. The research and development of the electrocaloric refrigerator represents an important global competitive advantage with new products with high added value. This can certainly influence also on opening of new jobs. The global market for hotel minibar refrigerators is estimated to be about 400 mio Euro. With the energy efficient product, the company Gorenje can become one of major global players in this particular domain.   Importance for the sector of cooling and refrigeration Gorenje represents one of important and well established EU industries of different household appliances, i.e. refrigerators, freezers and even residential heat pumps. The knowhow on electrocaloric refrigeration can therefore be successfully applied also for the above mentioned products of Gorenje. The global commercial refrigeration equipment market accounted for $29.1 billion in 2012 and is expected to reach $46.6 billion in 2018, growing of about 8.2 percent from 2012 to 2018 (http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com).   Importance for society With the help of dissemination of the project results, important information on efficient energy use and potential environmentally friendly solutions to existing refrigerants will be given to experts as well as the broader public. We will have opportunity to educate new generations of students and engineers in the domain of the electrocaloric energy conversion. This will be done by introduction of the topic into regular education process, and by the organization of summer schools. Because the project results will bring a multiplicative effect, the knowledge and experiences from the project results will be successfully transferred to other domains of caloric energy conversion (magnetocaloric, elastocaloric, barocaloric, multicaloric).
Most important scientific results Interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report, final report
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