International projects source: SICRIS

EUth: Tools and Tips for Mobile and Digital Youth Participation in and across Europe

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  22572  PhD Gregor Pobežin  Literary sciences  Head  2015 - 2018  302 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1822  University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities  Koper  1810014001  10,035 
2.  3450  Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia  Litija  1489208  13 
With the experiences of 3 pilot projects and the expertise of 11 partners from 8 European countries, a digital European youth participation online platform will be built, which is tested and open to be used by administrations and youth organizations of any size and level to set up participative processes. The platform consists of• comprehensive eParticipation package (EUth-applications), bringing together web online participation and mobile participation on a modular, adaptive basis. Foundation are the softwares Adhocracy and FlashPoll (developed in EIT/ICT Labs).• A modularized method-handbook (EUth-methods) made available in a digital decision-support-tool, giving practical support how to make optimum use of the applications’ features. • Country-specific guidelines (EUth-services) to take away fears and give advice on how to solve problems such as community management and online moderation, security etc.The platform will be easy-to-use and perfectly user-adapted through participative product design in a living lab. Special focus is the evaluation of pilot projects using the platform:• The European youth organization AEGEE will improve its communication and discussion process with its members• In France, two institutions, the City of Paris and the French federation of community centers will foster youth empowerment and inclusion• In Italy and Slovenia a cross-border pilot will aim at guiding young community managers that will interact with their respective city administrationA sustainable impact is created through an innovation strategy which among other measures includes the deployment of the platform. Within an Open Call 10 European municipalities and local organizations are each given 10.000€ to implement independent participation strategies on the online platform. EUth will increase the trust of European youth in Europe and political institutions by making European youth participation more attractive for all involved actors and thus make it happen more frequently.
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