International projects source: SICRIS

European Information Science Education: encouraging mobility and learning outcomes harmonization (EINFOSE)

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08983  PhD Maja Žumer  Information science and librarianship  Head  2016 - 2018  442 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  98,951 
The aim of this project is to overcome differences that exist in the area of entry requirements and learning outcomes in the field of Information Science (IS). These differences cause large mobility barriers between HEIs that offer MA in IS and recognition of learning outcomes and ECTSs at the EU level. The common entry requirements that will mitigate or even eliminate the differences in enrolment procedures at different HEIs offering programs in IS could contribute to the higher enrolment of students with different educational background at the graduate level programs in IS. In their previous meetings the partners concluded that barriers could be eliminated trough the following project’s goals: strengthen partnership between HEIs involved in the proposal of this project; exchange of best practices through seminars for teachers from partner institutions; summer schools that will provide students with the most relevant basic knowledge to allow them to start their MA programs in IS well prepared; design and delivery of online teaching and communication platform, and OERs; intellectual activities that would contribute to the preparation of the international symposium on recognition and harmonization of entry requirement and learning outcomes in IS; recommendations for the improvement of learning outcomes and their recognition; strengthening the purposeful mobility at the European level. The summer school will also start a unique networking opportunity, which is quite crucial for the success in international (multi-national) future initiatives. Target groups for this project are students with BA diploma, university teachers, professional organizations in the IS field and policy and decision-making authorities that are responsible for the QA and QF at EU and national levels.The project partners have already been in cooperation for several years and are involved in several national and internationals networks and organisations in effort to successfully address large portion of the IS community across Europe, among them: ASIST/EC, ENWI, Euclid, EADH. Communication between the partners is carefully planned following the timeline of the project. Transnational meetings and multiplier events are planned involving participants from each partner institution and representatives of different stakeholders. In addition, the regular meetings of project management team are planned with a goal to allow discussions on how to foster the sustainability of project results. The use of deliverables will be analysed and used in future for summer school, the students and alumni platform, and other further projects. At the end of the official call for the enrolment to the summer school, meetings will be held in order to select the best student candidates (20 students for each summer school including students with disabilities and immigrant students). One of the main outcomes of the project will be a document: Policy Recommendation for the entry requirements and learning outcomes harmonization that will be presented in the draft form at several international meetings such as BOBCATSSS 2017, LIDA 2018, IFLA 2017 and 2018, and adopted at the EINFOSE International Symposium in September 2018.Students at the partner HEIs will directly benefit from the high quality lessons and the OERs during the project and beyond the duration of the project. They will also benefit from the online alumni platform that will allow them to use all of the OERs whenever they need in their further education, in working environment, in teaching and researching if they choose to continue their careers at HEI. The open access to the new and tested high quality OERs on topics agreed upon by the partner HEIs will help the individuals, but will also contribute to the international perspective in teaching at the IS graduate programs.
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