International projects source: SICRIS

Learning Together to Live Together: Teachers Leading Ethical Education for an Inclusive Society

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  35342  PhD Mateja Centa Strahovnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2016 - 2019  89 
2.  26014  PhD Vojko Strahovnik  Philosophy  Head  2016 - 2019  430 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0170  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology  Ljubljana  1627112  12,310 
The strategic partnership was formed given the comprehensive expertise, experience from similar projects and activities, goodcontacts with the target group and innovative and field-leading approaches adopted by each of the project partners in the area of Ethical Education. The partnership was formed to build the competences of teachers in primary and post primary schools in Ethical Education so as to contribute to the achievement of the Union's vision for an education which promotes citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination, strengthening social cohesion, and helping young people become responsible, open-minded and active members of our diverse and inclusive society.The specific objectives of the project are:1)To to promote innovative practices in school education in the field of Ethical Education through methodologies and pedagogies which support students' social, civic and intercultural competencies through an online interactive course2)To build the confidence of teachers to examine ethical issues in their own subject areas through guidance on how to develop teacher and student created ethical education content 3) To raise awareness of Ethical Education amongst politicians and policy makers as an inclusive approach to education for pluralist democracies as part of ET2020 in the lead up to the 2019 European electionsThe partnership will achieve these objectives through the development of an online Ethical Education methodologies course, Teachers Guide on the development of subject specific resources in the area of Ethical Education and the process of co-creating content with students, two five day teaching and learning events, and a series of 12 interactive workshops with teachers which will act as multiplier events, communicating the project messages and results and working through the methodologies and processes advocated for in the online course and teachers guide. The project also achieves its policy objectives through the publication of a policy paper on the position of Ethical Education in Europe and its relevance to wider education policies and the development of inclusive pluralist democracies. The project addresses ethics and values education utilizing the approach of critical thinking, including philosophy with children in order to strengthen the skills of school teachers in this field. Critical discussion, especially in the field of ethics and values is one of the most challenging tasks for teachers in increasingly diverse classrooms. The project will place an emphasis on EU values (human dignity, freedom, democracy, justice and rule of law, human rights, solidarity, pluralism, equality and tolerance) and their relation to European culture. Teachers are the primary beneficiaries of the project and it is expected that up to 900 teachers will through the project activities during the project period. The multiplier event interactive workshops will provide an opportunity to disseminate the project messages to teachers while at the same time providing a forum for them to share their own innovative practices with each other. Indirectly, students in primary and second-level schools and their parents/carers will also be exposed to the intended outcomes of the project. Key educational stakeholders such as teacher educators, ethical education experts and policy makers will be targeted through the multiplier events and advocacy initiatives. They will be invited to the events to hear more about the project and good practices around Ethical Education.As a result of the project activities, it is expected that the project will result in:Enhanced innovation and internationalisation across the Ethical Education sectorStrengthened professional profile of teachers and educators in the field of Ethical EducationImproved confidence by teachers to develop subject specific ethical education resourcesIncreased sharing by teachers of professional practices in Ethical Education Improved ability by teache
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