International projects source: SICRIS

Old guys say Yes to Community

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15248  PhD Sabina Jelenc Krašovec  Educational studies  Head  2016 - 2019  476 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  98,951 
The European Commission has identified active and healthy aging as a major societal challenge common to all European countries, and an area which presents considerable potential for Europe to lead the world in providing innovative responses to this challenge. The participation of older men in learning and social activities in communities is low which affects their well-being and health. The willingness of older people to take part in organized education is linked to their level of education, previous occupation, gender, and well-being. Men, especially less educated and socially deprived, are often not active in community associations and are also excluded from the educational activities. It is also important to mention that voluntary associations do not perceive their role as important actors in community learning of different age and gender groups; this perspective should be enhanced, developed and implemented according to andragogical theory and practice. Based on above it is essential to further explore learning needs and demand of older men, to evaluate the needs of communities and accordingly prepare guidelines and training materials for community workers dealing with different groups of older people.AIMSThe project "Old guys Say Yes To Community" aims to foster inclusion of older man over 60 years old (especially with low education), in learning and education activities to positively affect their well-being, health, social life and to contribute to their re/up-skilling. Partnership of 6 organisations (4 universities, 2 community organizations) from 4 EU countries (Slovenia, Estonia, Poland, Portugal) will develop and propose new measures to enhance learning dimension in community organizations which are not primarily concerned with education (NGO’s, volunteer organisations and other associations). University teachers and students will contribute strongly in this process, and therefore enhance partnerships between community providers and educational institutions on all levels. In-depth recommendations and a model for training program for educators and community workers will be developed to ensure use of open and innovative educational practices to achieve coordinated and diverse learning opportunities EU-wide. Process will be strongly supported with use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and other innovative teaching strategies. OBJECTIVES1. To analyse needs, motivation and demand of older men in selected communities regarding community activities and confront them with existing possibilities in different communities.2. To analyse models of good practice on older men’s learning and socializing in different contexts and environments.3. To prepare the precise and in-depth recommendations for local communities, involving different organizations, providers of activities, local community animators, etc. in a sense of development of new social activities and community learning possibilities for older men.4. To develop and implement educational programme for community organisation workers that are interested and active in learning and education of older men over 60 years old on how to to enhance learning dimension in their organisations.5. To raise awareness of different stakeholders and providers of social and learning activities on community level on their impact on community members, on the learning needs of older men and benefits from including them into learning process.6. To form a user-friendly information and learning community portal for enhancing EU wide cooperation of different actors and organizations on community level and their acquaintance with learning and social needs of different groups of adults in communities in participating EU countries.
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