International projects source: SICRIS

Community Experiments Through the Exploitation of Social Conflicts (CONTEST)

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  26182  PhD Igor Bahovec  Sociology  Head  2012 - 2014  260 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2439  Institute for Development and Strategic Analysis  Ljubljana  2074320  1,530 
The CONTEST proposal is aimed to improve new approaches and tools to manage interpersonal, social and cultural conflicts in order to enhance social cohesion in Europe and to strenghten European identity. Beyond the strictly economic effects, another - no less dangerous - aspect of the crisis is a real risk of social conflict. The progressive consolidation of a new presence in the cities, the profound changes that are affecting the culture and lifestyles, the economic crisis accelerate the change in the social tissue and in the type of relations between people. There is the presence of hardship, difficulty in cohabitation, conflict manifests and / or potential related to the existence of prejudice and discriminatory attitudes against persons and / or groups. This is a phenomenon to look with constant attention and about which it is necessary to develop interpretation tools and languages as common as possible and shared at European level: this in order to give positive and concrete answers in terms of management and exploitation of conflicts as resources for change.For these reasons, the CONTEST project will produce the following outputs: a mapping system of social, cultural and interpersonal conflicts in the reference areas of the project, in order to define the economic and socio-cultural contextual factors leading the conflicts; a curriculum which defines competences and skills necessary for adults to manage and exploit interpersonal, social and cultural conflicts; experimental training courses in the reference areas of the project, to create an Expert in Conflict Exploitation, a professional which can guide adults in the discovery of the conflict as an area of learning and change rather than as threat; CONTESTlabs, workshops for adult citizens aimed to facilitate the expression and the management of conflicts in urban areas; an European volunteering network aimed to promote creativity and innovation in conflict management.
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