International projects source: SICRIS

Spopolnjevanje znanj in pridobivanje izkušenj na področju vrednotenja neformalno in priložnostno pridobljenih znanj, spretnosti in kompetenc odraslih

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0393  Slovenian Institute for Adult Education  Ljubljana  5523192000  1,536 
The mobility activities in Denmark and Portugal are two study visits of two members of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education that will last one week. The main goal of those trainings is for our staff to acquire additional experience in the field of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning. Another goal of the project is to enhance the internationalization of competencies gained non-formally and informally, to achieve better recognition of validation procedures developed on the national level and to achieve greater connectedness of nationally developed procedures of validation with the procedures on the European level. Therefore both participants in the mobility will get acquainted with the ECVET tool in the procedures of the identification and recognition of knowledge of adults. The goal is also to become acquainted with good practices of validation and recognition of knowledge of vulnerable groups of adults, because we intend to pay more attention to this field in the Slovene environment (related to the goals of ReNPIO 2013-2020). The two participants in the mobility will transfer new knowledge and experience to other adult educators in Slovenia, because they will both be actively included in the preparation and implementation of professionals in adult education in the field of validation in the scope of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. Two members of our staff will participate in the mobility activities in Denmark and Portugal. The first member of our staff will participate in the study visit in Denmark. She has already had the experience in developing the procedure of validation, the methods and tools for the identification, documentation and validation of the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in various ways, with the special emphasis on the e-portfolio development as the basic tool in the procedures of validation. She has been included in the planning and implementation of the training of counsellors for the validation (in order to implement the procedure adequately and to use properly developed methods and tools). She has also cooperated in the systemic placement of the model for the identification and recognition of non-formal learning of adults into the network of adult education. She has cooperated in the development and the implementation of national vocational qualifications system. The other member of staff will participate in the study visit in Portugal. In 2006 and 2007, she has already participated in two international projects in the field of validation, however, in 2015 she has started to deal with the topic of validation again, she is included in the tasks of the further development of the system of validation in adult education in Slovenia, with the special emphasis on taking into consideration the needs and intentions of validation for adult members of vulnerable groups (low educated employees and unemployed, migrants, members of ethnic groups, Roma etc.). In the scope of two study visits, our members of the staff will become acquainted in detail with the procedures of validation in host countries, with the documentation which accompanies the procedures, as well as with the methods and tools for validation of competencies, they will also become acquainted with the various aspects of the recognition of non-formally and informally acquired competencies, with the competencies of the professional staff who implements the procedures of validation and with the systemic management of the procedures of validation (also from the point of view of European tools, such as ECVET, Europass, etc.). The work in the scope of the study visits will be implemented in the form of interviews, discussions, presentations and direct testing of e-portfolio and other questionnaires and instruments. Our staff members will also examine the ways of certification and their economic and social value. The expected
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