International projects source: SICRIS

Integrating Ethics of Sport in Secondary School Curriculum

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  35342  PhD Mateja Centa Strahovnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2017 - 2019  89 
2.  26014  PhD Vojko Strahovnik  Philosophy  Head  2017 - 2019  430 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0170  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology  Ljubljana  1627112  12,303 
The specific objectives of this project are - To enhance the provision of the ethics education at the ISCED 3 (upper-secondary) level through wider integeration of the ethics of sport contents into the school curriculum in full compliance with the cross-curricular approach - To improve the competencies of secondary school teachers needed for more effective and sustainable ethics of sport-based educational provision/teaching in at the ISCED 3 (upper-secondary) level. The project/work plan is structured in 4 components, each of them being divided in several activities (see below), with all the phases/components having strong interactions among them. The 1st component of the project will advance the competences of the teachers who will deliver ethics of sport-based teaching at the ISCED 3 (upper-secondary) level through advanced level / tailor-made joint training for teachers - for details see section G.3. Learning/Teaching/Training Activities, Short-term joint staff training events, Activity No. 1. This training will take place in December 2016. In addition, the 1st component of the project will be focused on the following issues: (i) the ethics-based educational provision at the ISCED 3 (upper-secondary) level in the EU member countries differ from country to country, in their organisation, content, methodology and intensity; (ii) Likewise, the partner schools of this project have diverse level experience concerning the ethics of sports-based teaching at the ISCED 3 (upper-secondary) level. Hence, the project includes the mapping of state-of-art ethics-related educational framework and educational practice in the countries involved and, eventually the delivery of one of the key intellectual outputs of the project the Curriculum Framework "Ethics of Sport" - for details and relevant timetable/action plan of specific phases see section G.1. Intellectual Outputs, Output identification O1. The 2nd component of the project will be focused on the development of the key outcome / key intellectual output of the project : - Methodology Guidelines - a tool-kit for teaching Ethics of Sport under the secondary school curriculum - for details and relevant timetable/action plan of specific phases see section G.1. Intellectual Outputs, Output identification O2 - the pilot-testing of the Curriculum Framework "Ethics of Sport" by means of 3 short-term exchanges of the secondary school students accompanied by teachers (i.e. peer-learning & peer-teaching) - for details see section G.3. Learning/Teaching/Training Activities, Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils (Activity No. C2, Activity No. C3, Activity No.C 4
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