International projects source: SICRIS

Transition to University autonomy in Kazakhstan

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  16345  PhD Tomaž Marš  Neurobiology  Head  2017 - 2020  345 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0381  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine  Ljubljana  1627066  48,874 
In the framework of the decentralisation policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan policymakers and university leaders are looking for a strategy for greater institutional autonomy.The Consortium wants to undertake this project in order to provide insights about models of University Autonomy (UA) of EU universities, offering a bottom-up approach, which is new compared to previous experiences. The planned activities for the achievement of the goals are:Needs analysis. The method is by a survey among universities using the EUA University Autonomy Scorecard.Development of the model of autonomy. This is the core activity of the project. The aim is to create a common space for the exchange of ideas and visions about UA.Discussions between the Partners and the Ministries. The EU perspective in the field will help to find feasible alternatives and to reach consensus about the basis for a model of UA for Kazakhstan.Development of a basic model of autonomy. The Model will define the degree of freedom of decision in the areas of Financing, Academic, Organization and Staffing.Implementation. Pilot Universities will start the process and introduce the changes.Guidance material. The material will provide practical elements to support HEIs in Kazakhstan in their efforts to implement the governance reform.Formation of the Autonomy Implementation Consulting Group. The aim is to provide consulting to other Kazakh universities during their implementation phase.A National Conference in Astana to disseminate the Autonomy Model and the Pilot Implementation experiences.The project will promote an inclusive approach to UA by foster dialogue between the HE sector and the public authorities, to ensure ownership of the reforms. It will foster the transfer of good practice from EU countries to Kazakh institutions, to promote efficient and effective governance reforms. These aspects are made possible only through a large-scale, structural project under E+ CBHE actions
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