Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of biomaterials by laser texturing of metal alloys (BiomatLasTex)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.04.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology   

Code Science Field
T150  Technological sciences  Material technology 

Code Science Field
2.05  Engineering and Technology  Materials engineering 
BiomatLasTex, laser texturing, metal alloys, surface properties, surface functionalities, biomaterials, smart biomaterials
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  32545  PhD Matej Hočevar  Materials science and technology  Head  2018 - 2020  160 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0206  Institute of Metals and Technology  Ljubljana  5051622000  6,169 
The main idea of proposed project BiomatLasTex, using multidisciplinary approach and innovative technologies, is development of biomaterials by laser surface texturing of metal alloys. BiomatLasTex is based on scientific background that the laser pulses can be used for controlled surface transformation on micro- and nanoscale, thereby significantly change its properties and transform its functionality. Laser surface texturing presents an excellent alternative to other surface modification technologies due to its flexibility, simplicity, precise control over the morphology and wettability of the modified surface, processing of different surfaces and changing surface properties without affecting the properties of bulk material. The objectives of proposed project are: O1 – to improve the understanding of laser texturing in air and under different gas atmospheres on surface properties and its functionality; and O2 - to improve the understanding of the interaction between the biomaterial surface and biological cells with special emphasis on the influence of surface topography, chemistry and wettability. To achieve this objectives developed surfaces will be tested and evaluated for corrosion properties, wetting properties, surface chemistry, topography, biodegradable properties and biocompatibility using variety of advanced surface characterization techniques and biological experiments. BiomatLasTex expected results will contribute to a better understanding of laser-surface interactions and interactions of cells with laser modified surfaces. The new insights should help to improve the laser texturing process for development of smart biomaterials and also presents a promising approach for the optimization of the existing biomaterials.
Significance for science
Multidisciplinary approach and scientific cooperation will significantly contribute to the successful implementation of the proposed project. BiomatLasTex will improve the understanding of laser texturing in air and under different gas atmospheres on surface properties and its functionality. The new insights will improve our understanding of the cell-material interaction and the biocompatibility properties of existing materials thus reducing manufacturing cost and medical problems related with biomaterials. The proposed project has great scientific potential, since there are no comparable studies that combine nanosecond laser texturing under different gas atmospheres on surface properties and its functionality. Laser surface modification technique represents flexible, scalable and chemical-free method which aditionally confirms the relevance and research potential as well as exceptional application of the proposed research topic. Nanosecond laser system will enable compact, robust and costly acceptable solution for texturing of surfaces with improved surface properties and functionalities. The relevance of proposed project is further substantiated by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation where Biomaterials for health present a major focus of European research efforts. Furthermore, the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) has also identified the significance of nanotechnology in medicine and published a number of strategic documents and roadmaps under Horizon 2020 where regenerative medicine is one of three scientific area addressed with focus on smart biomaterials and smart nanostructured and functionalised surfaces.
Significance for the country
Multidisciplinary approach and scientific cooperation will significantly contribute to the successful implementation of the proposed project. BiomatLasTex will improve the understanding of laser texturing in air and under different gas atmospheres on surface properties and its functionality. The new insights will improve our understanding of the cell-material interaction and the biocompatibility properties of existing materials thus reducing manufacturing cost and medical problems related with biomaterials. The proposed project has great scientific potential, since there are no comparable studies that combine nanosecond laser texturing under different gas atmospheres on surface properties and its functionality. Laser surface modification technique represents flexible, scalable and chemical-free method which aditionally confirms the relevance and research potential as well as exceptional application of the proposed research topic. Nanosecond laser system will enable compact, robust and costly acceptable solution for texturing of surfaces with improved surface properties and functionalities. The relevance of proposed project is further substantiated by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation where Biomaterials for health present a major focus of European research efforts. Furthermore, the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) has also identified the significance of nanotechnology in medicine and published a number of strategic documents and roadmaps under Horizon 2020 where regenerative medicine is one of three scientific area addressed with focus on smart biomaterials and smart nanostructured and functionalised surfaces.
Most important scientific results Interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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