Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Improvement of water use efficiency in drip irrigated agriculture

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   

Code Science Field
B410  Biomedical sciences  Soil science, agricultural hydrology 

Code Science Field
4.01  Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences  Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
Irrigation, hop, Humulus lupulus L., irrigation scheduling, drip irrigation
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  31811  PhD Boštjan Naglič  Plant production  Head  2018 - 2020  128 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0416  Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing  Žalec  5051762000  4,279 
In the time of a climate change water is becoming more and more precious resource. To maintain or increase agricultural production, new irrigation systems, such as surface or subsurface drip irrigation systems will need to provide higher water use efficiency than those traditionally used today. Data show that Slovenia has enough precipitation, but because of their uneven distribution, Slovenian area is increasingly vulnerable to drought. Among the most promising current strategies to increase irrigation water use efficiency is the use of drip irrigation systems, and improvement of irrigation scheduling. Irrigation scheduling is one of the most important practices of irrigation management and is the term used to describe the procedure by which an irrigator determines the timing and quantity of water application with the purpose of achieving efficient water use. In hop production industry good supply of water in the soil is important for the quantity and quality of the crop. Improper irrigation of hop is reflected in lower yields, uneven ripening, uneven size of cones and a small amount of lupulin, which represents the main market value of hops. In Slovenia about 815 ha of hop fields are irrigated which represent 55 % of all hop acreage. Sprinkler technology of irrigation, which has been in use for more than three decades, has poor irrigation efficiency and quite many disadvantages and limitations. Higher irrigation efficiency can be achieved by using the latest drip irrigation technologies which have in recent years become very popular in hop production industry in Slovenia. This technology is gradually replacing the sprinkler irrigation. In Slovenia very specific option of drip irrigation of hop is used where dripline is placed at the top of the wirework structure (represents the growing support for hop). This option is favoured by hop producers because the irrigation pipes, in comparison with the drip system where pipes are placed on the soil surface, do not need to be removed and stored every year before the hop growing season and after harvest. Irrigation pipes on the soil surface outside the growing season would prevent necessary agricultural operations, such as pruning and ploughing. This type of drip irrigation technology in hop plantations substantially alters the basic characteristics of conventional surface drip irrigation methods. When drip irrigation system is placed at the top of the wirework structure, irrigation efficiency is unknown because larger area of soil surface is wetted which is causing significant losses of water because of evaporation. Water dripping from such height also causes soil erosion and in windy conditions, when water drops are wetting the plants, it can also affect the development of the diseases. The proposed project involves first such experiment in Slovenia and abroad, where different irrigation scheduling methods will be evaluated for hop drip irrigation at the top of the wirework structure. Within the project the most suitable methods and devices, which will result in the most efficient use of water and at the same time increase the yield, will be evaluated. We are expecting that we will find the method that ensures the most efficient water use for two different variants of hop drip irrigation. In the context of the proposed project we will also determine the irrigation efficacy of the specific method of drip irrigation on the top of the wirework structure and its positive and negative characteristics in comparison to drip irrigation on the soil surface, which includes the assessment of the impact of irrigation on the occurrence of hop diseases and soil erosion.
Significance for science
As evident from the presented starting points of the proposed project (paragraph 11 of the application) and a literature review (paragraph 12 of the application), there is still lack of knowledge and relevant information in the field of drip irrigated hop and consequently appropriate drip irrigation scheduling practices in Slovenia and elsewhere. The project results will enable a better understanding of the complexity of professionally correct execution of specific type of drip irrigation at the top of the wirework structure which is present in hop production. The most promising irrigation scheduling approaches will be determined. With the analysis of this specific type of hop drip irrigation, the impact on water use (irrigation efficiency), soil erosion and increase in hop fungal diseases will be examined. Discovery of specific characteristics of irrigation method will have an impact on the development of further research in the field of drip irrigation of hops in Slovenia and abroad. Consequently, results will have impact on breeding new, fungal diseases more resistant varieties of hops in Slovenia and abroad. Outcomes of the project will be included in the educational process at various levels. Any new content that will appear during the project implementation will be addressed as the new scientific challenge and will be proposed as a content of the new research and developmental projects in Slovenia and abroad. The research results will be incorporated in the transfer of new technologies in Slovenia, as well as in other European countries. Such new technological findings will have a significant positive impact on the environment, safer food chain, lower energy consumption and with this on more sustainable development.  Project results will reinforce and increase recognition of our work and thus indirectly contribute to the promotion of Slovene science. We will increase international collaboration in order to gain access to the knowledge of other research institutions and, at the same time, other institutions will become interested in cooperation in international research projects.
Significance for the country
As evident from the presented starting points of the proposed project (paragraph 11 of the application) and a literature review (paragraph 12 of the application), there is still lack of knowledge and relevant information in the field of drip irrigated hop and consequently appropriate drip irrigation scheduling practices in Slovenia and elsewhere. The project results will enable a better understanding of the complexity of professionally correct execution of specific type of drip irrigation at the top of the wirework structure which is present in hop production. The most promising irrigation scheduling approaches will be determined. With the analysis of this specific type of hop drip irrigation, the impact on water use (irrigation efficiency), soil erosion and increase in hop fungal diseases will be examined. Discovery of specific characteristics of irrigation method will have an impact on the development of further research in the field of drip irrigation of hops in Slovenia and abroad. Consequently, results will have impact on breeding new, fungal diseases more resistant varieties of hops in Slovenia and abroad. Outcomes of the project will be included in the educational process at various levels. Any new content that will appear during the project implementation will be addressed as the new scientific challenge and will be proposed as a content of the new research and developmental projects in Slovenia and abroad. The research results will be incorporated in the transfer of new technologies in Slovenia, as well as in other European countries. Such new technological findings will have a significant positive impact on the environment, safer food chain, lower energy consumption and with this on more sustainable development.  Project results will reinforce and increase recognition of our work and thus indirectly contribute to the promotion of Slovene science. We will increase international collaboration in order to gain access to the knowledge of other research institutions and, at the same time, other institutions will become interested in cooperation in international research projects.
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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