Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Identification of damages in beekeeping

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.02.00  Biotechnical sciences  Animal production   

Code Science Field
S187  Social sciences  Agricultural economics 

Code Science Field
4.02  Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences  Animal and Dairy science 
beekeeping, nectar pastures, economic losses, damages, honey production
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (9)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  52493  Aleš Bozovičar    Technical associate  2019 - 2020 
2.  38630  Jure Brečko  Plant production  Researcher  2018 - 2020  148 
3.  38390  MSc Andreja Kandolf-Borovšak  Animal production  Researcher  2018 - 2020  244 
4.  24503  PhD Peter Kozmus  Biology  Researcher  2018 - 2020  332 
5.  38389  PhD Nataša Lilek  Biotechnical sciences  Researcher  2018 - 2020  161 
6.  25012  MSc Ben Moljk  Plant production  Researcher  2018 - 2020  383 
7.  23608  PhD Janez Prešern  Biology  Researcher  2018 - 2020  223 
8.  38388  Tomaž Samec  Animal production  Researcher  2018 - 2020  81 
9.  28877  PhD Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl  Animal production  Head  2018 - 2020  275 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0401  Agricultural institute of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5055431  20,356 
2.  0425  ČEBELARSKA ZVEZA SLOVENIJE (Slovene)  Lukovica  5141729  609 
Apiculture in Slovenia is gaining momentum in terms of emancipation as fully-fledged agricultural sector. The importance of beekeeping is three-fold: 1) pollination, ensuring the food production quantity and quality, with focus on orchards and oil-seed rape in Slovenia, 2) food production like honey and 3) preserving the biotic diversity. Slovenian beekeepers are mostly dependent on 2). The unstable weather pattern and especially the more and more frequent severe weather can lead to honey harvest failure. The beekeepers’ income can be harmed. The project will analyse the damages, define the damages and convey recommendations how to tackle the economic problems stemming from the natural disasters. We will evaluate the existing network for prediction and recording of harvests, the locations of measuring stations. The recommendations will be presented to beekeepers, insurance companies and to state administration, concerned with the agriculture.
Significance for science
The main scientific contribution of the proposed project will be development of tool for the analysis of the yearly-collected measurements of the public predicting service. We will produce comparison of various methodologies to evaluate the collective honey harvest. Therefore the project bears direct consequences on the sampling in other, ecology-related experiments. Our result will be included in first-ever expertise about occasion of damages, how to address them and first definition of “normal” honey harvest. The expertise will be handed over to the client and presented to the public.
Significance for the country
Proposed project is the first to holistically tackle definitions, estimations and damage claims in apiculture in the region. Apiculture is important for two reasons: 1) bee products which directly benefit (or not) the beekeeper and the whole value chain and 2) pollination, which is especially important in certain agricultural sub-sectors like fruit-growing. Solutions, stemming from the project will improve competitiveness of local beekeepers, stabilize their welfare, increase collected taxes and consequently clear grounds for further development of this fundamental agricultural subsector. We see proposed project as strictly applied. Our finding will assist both beekeepers and governmental services already during the project duration. Project outputs will prepare grounds for new market segment in the field of agricultural insurance and other specialized enterprises, which will offer new market services, such as field inspections of damages etc.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2019, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2019, final report
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