Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Modelling, simulation and control of processes

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.06.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Systems and cybernetics  System theory and control systems 

Code Science Field
T125  Technological sciences  Automation, robotics, control engineering 

Code Science Field
2.02  Engineering and Technology  Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering 
System theory, control technology, modelling and identification of systems, simulation, multivariable systems, adaptive systems, predictive control, intelligent control, hybrid systems, biomedical processes, artificial intelligence, autonomous mobile systems.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  364  5,063  4,264  11.71 
Scopus  589  7,579  6,328  10.74 
Researchers (22)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  37509  PhD Goran Andonovski  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  46 
2.  53522  Miloš Antić  Systems and cybernetics  Junior researcher  2019 - 2024 
3.  04142  PhD Maja Atanasijević Kunc  Systems and cybernetics  Retired researcher  2019 - 2024  339 
4.  56859  Jakob Baumgartner  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
5.  51907  Martina Benko Loknar  Systems and cybernetics  Junior researcher  2019 - 2022  12 
6.  54819  Aljaž Blažič  Systems and cybernetics  Junior researcher  2020 - 2024  13 
7.  16422  PhD Sašo Blažič  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  329 
8.  31982  PhD Matevž Bošnak  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  51 
9.  39218  PhD Gregor Černe  Systems and cybernetics  Technical associate  2019 - 2024 
10.  30681  PhD Dejan Dovžan  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  68 
11.  01952  PhD Rihard Karba  Systems and cybernetics  Retired researcher  2019 - 2024  623 
12.  25418  PhD Gorazd Karer  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  152 
13.  20181  PhD Gregor Klančar  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  321 
14.  27517  PhD Vito Logar  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  212 
15.  01951  PhD Drago Matko  Systems and cybernetics  Retired researcher  2019 - 2024  582 
16.  13565  PhD Gašper Mušič  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  455 
17.  55922  Miha Ožbot  Systems and cybernetics  Junior researcher  2021 - 2024 
18.  10742  PhD Igor Škrjanc  Systems and cybernetics  Head  2019 - 2024  740 
19.  35420  PhD Simon Tomažič  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  42 
20.  58098  Aleksander Vegelj  Systems and cybernetics  Junior researcher  2023 - 2024 
21.  33167  PhD Andrej Zdešar  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2019 - 2024  57 
22.  00172  PhD Borut Zupančič  Systems and cybernetics  Retired researcher  2019 - 2024  418 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1538  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Ljubljana  1626965  28,027 
The proposed research program covers two main areas, defining the research framework of the program members. The first area represents modelling, simulation and process control. The field of research is focused on basic principles and development of methodology for the purpose of their implementation in various practical applications, i.e. monitoring and process supervision, estimation of unmeasured process values, prediction of the process values in the future, fault detection, data mining, advanced process control etc. In the last years the group connected with several domestic companies in the area of pharmaceutical engineering, steel-making and general automation, with the aim of knowledge transfer and integration of the developed methods to practical solutions in industry. The second research area represents the field of autonomous mobile systems, which is lately gaining huge popularity and is rapidly growing and evolving. The research is focused on practical issues and implementation of the developed algorithms in various autonomous vehicles, i.e. rehabilitation and special autonomous vehicles, research robots, automated guided vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles etc. Here also, the group has developed strong connections with successful domestic and foreign companies, with the aim of practical implementation of the developed solutions (implementation technology).
Significance for science
International relevance of the proposed research can be seen from different priority areas of the European Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 and other domestic research programs. According to the European Programme Horizon 2020, the proposed research areas can be placed into the scope of Living Online and its subsections Environment, Mobility and Smart Cities and into the scope of Science & Technology and its subsections Robotics and Components & Systems. According to the Slovenian research programmes, the proposed research can be placed into the priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy, which aims to support the development and innovation of the areas with the highest positive effect on Slovenian economy. Among them, Production, Process and Information & Communications Technologies can be found, into which the referred research of the group can be classified. Relevance of the proposed program can also be observed by comparing it with programs of similar groups worldwide and by the plans to participate in the Horizon 2020 framework projects. In certain areas, the research is already being implemented, which can be seen in valuable results and publications. It is expected that existing research will continue also in the future, with the addition of other proposed areas, where brand new solutions and results are expected.
Significance for the country
Throughout the years, the Slovenian National Research and Development Programme and its resolutions emphasize the importance of several perspective areas for the development and competitiveness of the country. Complex Systems, Innovative Technologies and Sustainable Industry were recognized as the priority areas of the NRDP 2006-2010. Furthermore, in 2010 the government confirmed seven narrower priority fields for the later established Competence Centers. In 2015 the government confirmed a document of Smart Specialisation Strategy, aimed to provide Sustainable Technology and Services, whose part are also Production, Process and Information & Communications Technologies. The research work of the group can directly be classified into all of the chosen priority areas of the research programs and strategies. In the past, the group was a partner in the Competence Centre for Modern Control Technology and is also a partner in the Smart Specialisation Strategy. Control technology, which can be regarded as a part of production and process technologies represents an area, which has important positive effects to the economy, society and after all also the environment. Those can be seen through a variety of factors and aspects such as: lower energy and raw material use, lower environmental pollution, production flexibility, product quality, added value, improved working conditions, aspects of sustainable development etc. For this reason, control technologies represent one of the most important strategic directions in Slovenia and worldwide, especially due to the current lag of Slovenian industry behind the most developed countries. Lately, the research group has formed strong partnerships with innovative domestic and foreign companies in the field of pharmaceutical, steel-making, general automation and autonomous mobile system areas. The established connections to industrial partners allow implementation of developed methodology and innovative approach in practical industrial problems. The obtained results and their transfer to industrial environment therefore increase the competitiveness and capabilities of the service organizations and the industry. Furthermore, they indirectly allow proper education of the employees, according to the newest technological trends. All of the above has a positive effect to constitution of new innovative environments and jobs, and furthermore also to other areas such as the environment, quality of life and others. The largest direct effect of the proposed research is undoubtedly reflected in the pedagogic process carried out by the group. The fact is that the group represents the most important educational organization in the field of control technologies, as it educates more than one half of all domestic control engineers. Current market demands show that such profiles are highly employable and sought intensely. Research results, developed methodology and other acquired knowledge are successfully integrated into the pedagogic process in the Faculty of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana, which ensures that the educational program and the given knowledge is always up-to-date and comparable to the most renowned foreign educational institutions. The results of the performed research will be disseminated through scientific publications in high-end international journals, conferences, promotional activities, public relations in media and internet, lifelong education courses, regular pedagogic process and after all through mentoring undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. candidates.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
Views history