International projects source: SICRIS


Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28386  PhD Jurij Selan  Culturology  Head  2018 - 2021  323 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0588  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education  Ljubljana  1627082  31,102 
Cases of research misconduct are frequently discussed in leading scientific journals and have gained substantial public interest as even highly regarded scientists have been involved in such misconducts recently. Such misconduct is not only diminishing scientific integrity but also public acceptance of science. The use of codes of conduct can help as guidelines to inform students and researchers about appropriate research practices, especially with respect to unacceptable practices such as data fabrication and plagiarism. The aim of these codes is to make sure that scientists know what is allowed and what is not. But a code of conduct without a clear implementation will not change the behavior of scientists. Moreover, implementing rules and regulations is not always the best way to incentivize good behavior. The development and implementation of an educational pathway for students on all levels of studies (Ba, Ma, PhD) is necessary to become aware of what good conduct in research means by learning how to recognize problematic situations, how to discuss them with their colleagues, and how to devise strategies for dealing with them. In order to have impact, a large number of students needs to be included in Research Integrity training and the introduction of blended education offers the possibility to scale-up teaching efforts. The INTEGRITY project enhances the translation and implementation of codes of conduct into curriculum and policy of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This project addresses urgent need in Europe to enhance integrity in Higher Education. The first objective of the project is to encourage students to act with integrity during their education and conduct research in an integer way upon completion of their education. This objective will be reached by the development and implementation of a blended, educational pathway for Research Integrity. The second objective is to increase the level of digital teaching skills of staff and use of digital tools for integrity teaching. This objective will be reached by the development and implementation of an online course for teaching staff in which they learn how to teach and moderate online education in an effective way. The third objective is to facilitate the translation of the existing codes of conduct into the curriculum and policy of Higher Education Institutions. This objective will be reached by the development and implementation of activation plans which ensure that the codes of conduct are implemented in the HEIs. The project partners are spread over Europe in different geographical areas and are an excellent representation of the academic stakeholders in Europe. Together with the active participation of a specialist in online education and a specialist in communication on research integrity, the partners in the consortium are well equipped to effectively address the three objectives of the INTEGRITY project and to achieve the long-term goals of the project: enhancing integrity in Higher Education through better translation of codes of conduct into curriculum and policy of HEIs.
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