International projects source: SICRIS

Device for non-invasive determination of jugular vein pressure and the risk of thrombosis

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  33473  PhD Janez Urevc  Mechanics  Head  2023 - 2024  143 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,047 
The purpose of the project is to monitor the response of the cardiovascular system during long-term exposure to microgravity conditions (micro-g). In addition to changes in tissue stiffness, one of the major, recently discovered issues in long-term exposure to the micro-g environment is the development of thrombosis in larger veins, such as the jugular vein. Such thromboses can lead to more serious life-threatening complications, such as pulmonary embolism or cerebral edema. Therefore, the project aims to develop medical equipment for observing the mechanical response of the jugular vein, such as the degradation of structural stiffness and changes in venous blood pressure, as well as detecting the onset of thrombosis in the jugular vein. The project is conducted in collaboration with the Medical University of Graz and the University Clinical Centre Maribor, where experimental measurements will take place.
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