Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Analiza in sinteza gibanja pri človeku in stroju (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.06.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Systems and cybernetics   
2.10.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Manufacturing technologies and systems   

Code Science Field
T115  Technological sciences  Medical technology 
T125  Technological sciences  Automation, robotics, control engineering 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (11)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  02813  PhD Tadej Bajd  Systems and cybernetics  Head  2001 - 2003  835 
2.  20185  PhD Aleš Bardorfer  Metrology  Researcher  2001 - 2003  46 
3.  20180  PhD Imre Cikajlo  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  262 
4.  12660  PhD Roman Kamnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2001 - 2003  313 
5.  11705  PhD Tomaž Karčnik  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2001 - 2003  75 
6.  21356  PhD Timotej Kodek  Energy engineering  Researcher  2001 - 2003  38 
7.  19222  PhD Jernej Kuželički  Electric devices  Researcher  2001 - 2003  30 
8.  18182  PhD Matjaž Mihelj  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  338 
9.  07134  PhD Marko Munih  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  732 
10.  19227  PhD Matija Ponikvar  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2001 - 2003  25 
11.  17130  Janez Šega    Researcher  2001 - 2003  28 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1538  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Ljubljana  1626965  28,180 
The research group has in the past won recognition in the area of functional electrical stimulation (FES) of paralyzed muscles. A series of papers was published in eminent journals together with the first international book on FES. Over 100 paraplegic persons practiced four channel reciprocal gait pattern at their homes. Two Slovene enterprises are producing electrical stimulators proposed by our group. Also in future, the research group will direct the efforts into the rehabilitation engineering field. FES rehabilitative methods will be completed with robotic rehabilitation approaches. The movement of both lower and upper extremities will be studied. The research of the movement of lower extremities will include studies of standing, standing-up, and walking. The strategies of balancing after disturbed posture will be sudied in healthy and paralyzed persons. FES controller for ankle joint muscle groups will be developed providing hand-free standing during voluntary movements of the upper body. Non-analytic control of multichannel FES will be applied during rising from sitting to standing position. Impedance controlled robotic device will be developed enabling standing-up to subjects with paralyzed lower and upper extremities. Gait of paretic persons using crutch support will be studied. New electrical stimulator with wire-less control will be built. Energy efficiency of walking will be improved through analysis and synthesis of kinematic and dynamic gait stability. A gait re-education system will be developed where the signals from the paralyzed limb will be first sensory integrated and then delivered to the walking subject as a cognitive feedback information. The research of the movement of upper extremities is part of extensive European research project with the aim to develop a complex therapeutic robot system. The Slovene researchers will contribute in developing impedance control algorithms enabling proper man-machine interface. Mathematical musculo-skeletal model will be designed as a support for technological development of robotic training device. Novel computer methods for quantitative evaluation of therapeutic treatments will be proposed based on the use of haptic interface.
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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