Projects / Programmes
Karstological information collection
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
6.12.02 |
Humanities |
Geography |
Social geography |
Code |
Science |
Field |
P005 |
Natural sciences and mathematics |
Geology, physical geography |
P510 |
Natural sciences and mathematics |
Physical geography, geomorphology, pedology, cartography, climatology |
Karst, karstology, karstological collection, karst surface, karst caves, karst water, natural heritage, planning of life on karst
Researchers (7)
Organisations (1)
The progress of karstology as internationally successful scientific science may be ensured by regulating, evaluating and completing the knowledge on karst in Slovenia and in the world as a foundation for cohabitation with sensitive landscape covering almost one half of the Slovenia''s territory. The Karstological collection contains Collections on Classical Karst – Kras, Collection on caves and Collection on karst environment in Slovenia and in the world which is especially designed to complete and regulate the theoretical karstological knowledge.
We are developing the integral karstology. By geological geomorphological, speleological and hydrological approaches we succeeded to cover the most important spheres of karstology.
It is important to complete and link together the in-depth researches. Development requires numerous interventions into karst environment changing the landscape and natural processes. Good and well-organised karstological knowledge is thus indispensable for planning life on karst. This is why the starting-points must be constantly supplemented and of easier access to wider public. This is the only way to widen the circle of those that really understand karst.
Hence the Karstological collection is easily explained as a basis of successful internationally linked scientific research, of space planning, protection and revitalization of karst as a part of the Slovene natural and cultural heritage and karstological studies.