Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Applied Electromagnetics

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.12.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices   

Code Science Field
P200  Natural sciences and mathematics  Electromagnetism, optics, acoustics 
electromagnetic and temperature field, electromechanic converters, magnetic forces, grounding system, electromagnetic compatibility, inverse problems, characteristics of magnetic materials, finite element method, boundary element method, CAD
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (16)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28428  PhD Miloš Beković  Electric devices  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  158 
2.  27563  PhD Matjaž Gaber  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  18 
3.  17151  Viktor Goričan    Technical associate  2004 - 2008  187 
4.  23456  PhD Anton Habjanič  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  44 
5.  20452  PhD Miralem Hadžiselimović  Electric devices  Researcher  2008  443 
6.  04530  PhD Anton Hamler  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  583 
7.  29061  Mitja Hribernik    Technical associate  2007 - 2008  52 
8.  22436  PhD Gorazd Hrovat  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2007  43 
9.  12623  PhD Marko Jesenik  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  307 
10.  23119  PhD Peter Kitak  Electric devices  Researcher  2006 - 2008  225 
11.  17152  Florijan Leskovar    Technical associate  2004 - 2006 
12.  23459  PhD Andrej Stermecki  Electric devices  Junior researcher  2004 - 2007  30 
13.  14738  PhD Bojan Štumberger  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  512 
14.  00277  PhD Igor Tičar  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  342 
15.  02077  PhD Mladen Trlep  Electric devices  Head  2004 - 2008  515 
16.  02078  PhD Ivan Zagradišnik  Electric devices  Researcher  2004 - 2008  339 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0796  University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  Maribor  5089638003  27,990 
The research program "Applied Electromagnetics" in its broader sense comprises theoretical and practical research of electromagnetic phenomena inside material and outside of it. More particularly, it is connected with problems of electromagnetic conversion in real conditions, which are reflected in technical, acoustical and voltage phenomena, and with researching of electromagnetic phenomena in insulating and grounding systems as well as in biological tissues. Within the framework of the research program, parallel work is carried out on three fields, with the ultimate aim to incorporate all the knowledge in a complex system which will as accurately as possible cover all demands of a real electromagnetic problem. The three fields are: - research and development of mathematical models for defining magnetic, electrical, current and temperature field in stationary and dynamic conditions, - development of measurement methods for defining real characteristics of material, - development of models used by solving the inverse problems in electrotehnics. The first part focuses on numerical methods for electromagnetic field calculation, namely finite element method and boundary element method. The development and application of the above methods are directed to CAD program solutions on concrete objects. In most cases, these objects are electromechanic converters, actuators, switches, insulating and grounding systems, etc. In technological fields we develop optimization methods with all necessary attributes. The development of measurement methods focuses on measurement methods for accurate defining of real characteristics of materials and losses in them, which is necessary for a more real mathematical model of electromagnetic system. The work is carried out on methods for defining magnetization and hysteresis curves, on determination of pulsating and rotational losses in magnetic materials, on software development for support of measurement methods and on production of measurement yokes for different shapes of measurement samples. By solving the inverse problem we have decided for a special variant of boundary element method, the so-called DRM method, which enables a simple dealing with the domain, which we want to determine by the inverse problem. Our initial work has been directed to problems of 2D static fields, where we detect unknown distribution of electromagnetic field sources, or rather, unknown material property. Both problems are very actual in bioelectromedicine, by searching defects in material structure, by development of measurement methods, etc.
Significance for science
The field of appplied electromagnetics and its topics is very up-to-date, many segments still have to be investigated, such as: -magnetic materials in the sense of the characterization, modelling, and their behaviour in a magnetic field, also in the identification of new fields of use -electromehanic converters, in the sense of increasing the capabilities and efficiency of the converters, the development of special electromechanic converters intended for usage in electric and hybrid electric vechicles -atmospheric discharges, the propagation of a lightning stroke and its discharge in the ground, the effect of electromagnetic radiation on electric devices and people at industrial frequencies -inverse problems in the sense of numerical-experimental models for the use in engineering, medicine, etc. Part of applied electromagnetics, which is covered by our programme, contents almost all of the mentioned segments. It is confirmed with our research results in the periode from 2004 till 2008. In this period, we published 67 papers, which COBISS ranks in the group 1.01 Original scientific paper, 41 of these papers are in publications with JCR impact factor. We published also around 100 papers on international conferences. So we can say, that the research work, scientific and applied results of the program group in this field present step forward in the development of science, not just in local environment, but also worldwide. Our scientific-research and expert work was confirmed by connections with recognized scientistists and researchers from this and other complementary fields in the world; also in the cooperation with their laboratories, which enabled the exploatation of our knowledge in the broaden region of the world. Our incorporation in international projects also enabled the mutual transfer of knowledge between institutions. The research program's significance and contribution to the development of science can also be attributed to the organization of international symposia. We organized the 1st and the 3rd Slovenian-Polish Joint Seminar on Computational and Applied Electromagnetics, in the years 2001 and 2005 in Maribor. Where at least forty scientists from Polish and Slovenian universities attended with their contributions. In 2008 we were the co-organizers of the SAEM08 (Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics, Zamosc-Polska), which jointed together Polish, Slovenian and Macedonian scientists and researchers from the field of applied electromagnetics. The research program Applied electromagnetics was also the organizer of the international conference ISEF’03 (XI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Engineering), where around 130 foreign scientists and researchers from all over the world have attended.
Significance for the country
The research in the framework of the proposed research programme helped to increase the competetiveness of Slovenian electric industry and enabled its transition to products with high added value and the transition to higher price levels. The aforementioned is very important for the Slovenian electric industry, because it is highly export-directed. If the Slovenian electric industry wants to step onto higher levels of added value and at the same time stay globally competitive, it has to absorb more knowledge and make use of it in the innovation process. Therefore, the fundamental goal of the research program Applied Electromagnetics was the highest possible transfer of useful knowledge from our laboratories to the industrial environment. The programme was in any case successful with that. This was possible only on the solid basis of fundamental scientific research. Therefore the fundamental research presented a significant part of the program, which was linked with more applied and research projects. In the aforementioned the significance of knowledge transfer by the mobility of researchers was also supported. Many applications in the Slovenian electrical industry were designed through the cooperation between the research group and the industry, which confirmed the orientation. Practically, there exists no major manufactures in Slovenia, who produces electromechanic converters, switching devices or insulation devices and systems, etc., and does not make the use of our knowledge. Some of them are: DOMEL Železniki, INDRAMAT ELEKTROMOTORJI Škofja Loka, BSH Nazarje, MEHANIZMI Lipnica, TSN Maribor, BARTEC-VARNOST Zagorje, ELKOSTROJ ROGATEC Rogatec, Hidria Perles Kranj, ISKRA MIS Kranj, ISKRA SEM Ljubljana, ROTOMATIKA Spodnja Idrija, ISKRA AVTOELEKTRIKA Šempeter, IDEAL SISTEMI Grajska vas, ETI Izlake, etc. Our results were especially useful for the industry from the field of: • electromotors, electromechanic converters, • switching devices, power systems, • measuring systems, research of materials in electrical engineering, • electrical household appliances, • electromagnetic stimulators in medicine, • environment-preservation, etc. Research work of our programme was directed to the more intense cooperation on engineering symposia and to the organization of different workshops for the engineering community under the auspices of the research group, and therefore making an impact on the Slovenia's competences and rising the level of engineering culture and the development of engineering practice in Slovenia.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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