Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   
5.01.00  Social sciences  Educational studies   
5.04.00  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences   
5.07.00  Social sciences  Criminology and social work   

Code Science Field
S210  Social sciences  Sociology 
Quality of life, social protection, cohesion, inclusion, empowerment, knowledge-based society, social welfare, indicators, evalvation, nongovernemtnal organisations, the elderly, housing and community, education, social networks, social support, public policies.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (12)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  23588  Ružica Boškič  Sociology  Researcher  2004  107 
2.  18349  PhD Barbara Domajnko  Sociology  Researcher  2008  173 
3.  23425  PhD Maša Filipovič Hrast  Sociology  Junior researcher  2004 - 2008  381 
4.  15257  PhD Valentina Hlebec  Sociology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  627 
5.  28323  PhD Matic Kavčič  Sociology  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  125 
6.  06966  PhD Zinka Kolarič  Sociology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  323 
7.  06354  PhD Sonja Kump  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  419 
8.  09975  PhD Srna Mandič  Sociology  Head  2004 - 2008  440 
9.  09976  PhD Mojca Novak  Sociology  Researcher  2004 - 2007  298 
10.  14757  PhD Majda Pahor  Sociology  Researcher  2008  409 
11.  26113  PhD Tatjana Rakar  Sociology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  174 
12.  10888  PhD Zdenka Šadl  Sociology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  237 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957  40,402 
Quality of life is a topic with a rich research tradition. In social sciences it gained full recognition during the 60's, and as part of endeavours to recognise and appreciate 'the non-economic aspects' of social development; namely, the aim was to introduce social well being as a component of social development and of its monitoring. The concept was introduced in Slovenia in 1984, when we started the project Quality of Life in Slovenia; thus the exploration and measurement of quality of life started in selected domains and even reached other regions of former Yugoslavia. The changes in post modern societies and in their 'production of welfare' - the later being according to Beck also 'the manufacturing of uncertainties', have thoroughly altered the social context of quality of life and its generators. Moreover, the conceptual focus of the quality of life has significantly shifted. Firstly, the previously dominating paradigm of 'basic needs', normatively defined by experts, is being superseded by the new paradigm of 'social rights'; this implies active participation of users in the articulation of needs as well as in shaping, monitoring and evaluation of social services and policies (notions of 'civil dialogue', 'civic engagement' 'participative democracy'); this is supported by the new function of indicators, which are becoming an element of a more complex and democratic governance ('learning society', 'policy oriented learning', civil society as a medium for democratic learning). Secondly, the idea of the passive recipient of standardized welfare services is being replaced by individualisation (Culpit) and the 'culture of individual's opportunities'; thus in circumstances of declining collective provision of safety and welfare, an individual's ability to articulate needs and claims is gaining increasing importance, as well as his capacities to deliberate and make use of the multiple opportunities created by ever more complex societies. Thirdly, new actors are becoming increasingly significant and also the 'intermediary structures'(Berger and Nauhaus) that connect individuals and their private lives to the large institutions and mega-structures such as the state. These intermediary structures (neighbourhood, family, social networks and NGOs) as well as individual's inclusion in them are gaining a significant role in public institutionalised discursive processes (Rothstein), as well as the stabilizing and connecting roles of local communities (Duffy). These changes call for a new understanding of the quality of life and for new indicators. This is the challenge for our group and our aim is to develop additional indicators, where mostly traditional indicators of socio-economic security would be complemented by indicators for social cohesion, social inclusion and empowerment. This goal will be achieved partly in collaboration with the international network for social quality ENIQ, where Beck, van der Maesen and Walker started developing a new concept. However, our group will develop these indicators partly also independently from the ENIQ, as we aim at a more context-sensitive supplement of indicators that would detect some of the specific developments in a 'transitional' society; the indicators would allow for perception, monitoring and understanding of developments in the following domains of quality of life: social security, education (lifelong learning), health (promotion of health as a component of the social and the health policy), housing and neighbourhood, care for the elderly . For selected domains also the social networks and supports will be analysed as an element of quality of life and specific trends observed. The basic question to be answered is how people cope (coping strategies) in these life domains in circumstances of greater individualisation and erosion of collective welfare provisions. Also the impact of NGO's would be observed.
Significance for science
The research aim of the past period was to analyse and provide an understanding of the quality of life in the context of postmodern social changes, by developing and aplying additional indicators, covering new issues in quality of life. The research was organized around the following topics: social quality, conceptual issues related to quality of life and welfare, social networks, housing, non-profit sector and NGO's, education, cohesion and community and emotional dimensions of quality of life. Our results significantly contributed to an improved understanding of the quality of life and the welfare system under specific conditions in post-transitional period, under emerging demographic pressure and other structural changes of modern societies, in different quality of life areas and vulnerable groups. We also contributed to understanding of conditions in Slovenia in comparisons to other European countries, their grouping and typologies. Particularly important were our conceptual and methodologocial achievements in social netoworks. Our contribution to scientific development can be summarised as this: -A large number of scientific publications - scientific articles and books were published, dealing with theoretical, conceptual, methodological questions, and also present international comparison. - Membership in editorial boards of national as well as international scientific journals and organisation of scientific meetings and conferences; - Creation of new data sets: FIHO, Housing survey 2005; - Use and development of new methods, combining quantitative and qualitative methodology, linking research with educational process. - Very good inclusion in international scientific environment: publications in international scientific journals (also SSCI), international research projects (e.g. FP6 ENIQ, CINEFOGO, FP7 DEMHOW), active participation at international scientific conferences, use and analysis of international data sets (EQLS). - Reaching excellence in some criteria: publications and citations in the most demanding scientific environment (SSCI), inclusion in the network of excellence (CINEFOGO). - Reaching wide audience: in scientific environment with publications and citations in SSCI journals, in public arena with media coverage and public appearances. Contribution to applied knowledge - Development and delivering of applied knowledge: research projects, expertise, membership in expert councils and in groups of experts in the Council of Europe, participating in development of the Strategy of economic development of Republic of Slovenia, Report on policies fighting homelessness in EU (EC), cooperating in Social overview of UMAR and Housing programme of Ljubljana 2008. - Transfer of knowledge in educational process: mentorship of undergraduate students and (post)graduate students (masters and doctoral degree), development of new subjects at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies, including students in research projects, coordination and teaching of international graduate course Master in European Social Policy Analysis.
Significance for the country
The research results of the programme are contirbuting to a number of key social developemental goals. They are in line with the National research and development programme, highighting as a priority the issue of 'knowledge based society, including development of human resources and of soical cohesion'. With EU membership also the Lisbon strategy is relevant with its key strategic goal of 'becoming the most competititve, knowledge based, capable of sustained economic development with more and better jobs and social cohesion'. Important is our contribution in observing and examination of quality of life, living and working conditions, improving social cohesion and in fight agains poverty and social exclusion, particulalry in the field of housing. More specifical relevant developmental goals were related to life long learning, sustainable social protection and promotion of health. Indirectly our results were significant also for the technological development as far as knowledge based society, life long learning as well as quality of life are accepted as values and assumptions for regulation of divers social subsistems. The results of our research also have some significance for the national identity and preservation of natural and cultural heritage, as quality of life and their elements are important part of the national identity and recognition in international terms and a part of European identity. The following are the key indicators of the social and economic relevance of our research: - Numerous individual applicative research projects for various institutions in Slovenia and EU: public administration (Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Ministry of Education and Sport, EC - DG9), municipal administration (Municipality of Ljubljana), Housing Fund of RS, non-governmental organisations (FIHO, FEANTSA), Council of Europe. - Archiving the data-sets in the ADP (Social science data archive) which enables access to data to all interested parties. - The research theme of the programme is socially relevant, as it addresses several key areas of society - voluntary sector, education and its evaluation, housing policy, social support networks, homelessness and family policy - and tries to increase knowledge and public awareness of social problems. - In the context of present and future demographic changes we have addressed several of the issues of the ageing of population (social, housing, health, education and other aspects). We feel that the results of our research are relevant for the development of public policies (social, health, housing, education and other policies). - A wide applicability of our results in practice - from public administration, to individual non-profit organisations and from local level (e.g. Municipality of Ljubljana) to the European level. - Formation of new data and new knowledge - producing insight into social phenomena that were previously almost unresearched (FIHO, Housing survey). - Good dissemination of results, popularisation of new and practical knowledge (expert and popular articles, round tables, expert councils and interviews in the media), availability of the results via internet, on European Commission website.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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