Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The results of surface karst phenomena research as direction for planning on the karst landscape

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.00  Humanities  Geography   

Code Science Field
P510  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physical geography, geomorphology, pedology, cartography, climatology 
karst, surface karst phenomena, directions for planning on karst landscape, Slovenia
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  16180  PhD Franci Gabrovšek  Mechanics  Researcher  2005 - 2008  468 
2.  11067  PhD Martin Knez  Geography  Researcher  2005 - 2008  706 
3.  06382  PhD Janja Kogovšek  Geology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  555 
4.  14851  PhD Bojan Otoničar  Geology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  263 
5.  15687  PhD Tanja Pipan  Natural sciences and mathematics  Researcher  2005 - 2008  399 
6.  08099  PhD Tadej Slabe  Geography  Researcher  2005 - 2008  693 
7.  10443  PhD Stanka Šebela  Geology  Head  2005 - 2008  532 
8.  01004  PhD Nadja Zupan Hajna  Geography  Researcher  2005 - 2008  489 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000  62,651 
The research purpose is to define and to classify different surface karst features and to determine under what conditions and with what processes they developed. Regarding prevailing surface karst features we will try to find the reasons for differences in geomorphologic development of different karst areas. The revised old knowledge and new researches will be evaluated in the sense of importance of karst features and karst landscape for preservation of natural and partly also cultural heritage on karst. The project results will be available to the planners of life on karst, as well as to those who deal with different interventions (construction, roads, waste disposals) and also to those who are in charge of tourism and education. The project results presented in GIS will help to better evaluate the problematic and to form the guidelines for different interventions in karst landscape.
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