Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Trauma in family, intergenerational transmission and religiosity

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.09.00  Social sciences  Psychology   

Code Science Field
S260  Social sciences  Psychology 
H160  Humanities  General, systematic and practical Christian theology 
S216  Social sciences  Care and help to handicapped 
traumatic experience, family, religiosity, stress, trauma, dysfunctionality, intergenerational transmission, family therapy
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  26123  PhD Robert Cvetek  Theology  Researcher  2005 - 2007  166 
2.  18052  PhD Christian Gostečnik  Psychology  Head  2005 - 2007  1,189 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0170  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology  Ljubljana  1627112  12,242 
The research project focuses on certain aspects of characteristics and consequences of traumatic experiences. Till now the most studied and known consequences are in the form of posttraumatic stress disorder, but studies suggest also many other consequences (problems in regulation of affects, substance abuse, compulsive repetition of traumatic scenarios etc.). There is a lack of studies that would focused on the impact, that these traumatic experiences has not only on the victims of trauma, but also on the other members of the system (family), especially the next generation. This project will focus on the assessment of consequences of traumatic experiences in Slovenian area, especially assessment of characteristics of traumatic experiences from z systemic (family) view (the meaning of family and social system in processing and solving the consequences in the victim of trauma, as well as the meaning of the traumatic experience on the functionality of the whole family). It will asses also the characteristics of traumatic experiences, when perpetrator is also a member of the family. It will focus on the protective and risk systemic factors. It will assess the traumatic etiology of psychopathological and relational disorders (disorders in relations) on selected cases – it will try to assess not only the influence of traumatic experience, that is define in DSM-IV, but also the influence of so called traumas with small »t« or disfunctionally stoed stressful experiences. The emphasis will be also on understanding the transmission of disfunctional consequences of traumatic experience on next generations (so called intergenerational transmission) and on understanding possible mechanisms of such an impact. It will also adress the characteristics of traumatic experiences, that are transmissed (which experiences have higher risk for bigger consequences in next generation), characteristics of such a transmission (important factors), as well as the characteristics of so transmissed consequences of traumatic experience. From these findings there will be more possible to assess reasonableness and usefulness of current intervention for resolution of consequences of traumatic experience, as well as eventually develop new ones. In the project there will be an emphasis on one special fractor of forming, solving, processing, healing and transmissing the consequences of traumatic experience – that is religios / spiritual activities. In an important percent of slovenian families there is a presence of strong religious / spiritual element, that surely forms the experiencing of such individual. In the project we will with the method of scientific research assess correlations among certain characteristics of experiencing the traumatic event (for example stating the responsibility, feeling of security, possibilities of choises etc) and religious / spiritual involvement, above all we will on selected cases assess the meaning of such involvement in the process of resolution, procesing and facing with traumatic experience. The characteristics of intergenerational transmission will be the subject of our interest here also. The findings of this project will beside the importance for scientific field of psychology and theology in general, be interesting also from the aspect of the history of Slovenian area – in our preliminary studies we found out, that in one certain kind of disfunctionality (alcoholism in family) experiences of parents (that is previous generation), associated with Second World War, were very often present – finding that surely would have to be appropriately examined in this project.
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