Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.07.05  Engineering sciences and technologies  Computer science and informatics  Information systems - software 

Code Science Field
S170  Social sciences  Political and administrative sciences 
knowledge presentation, ontology, e-government. life-events, semantic web
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  24047  Domen Cukjati  Computer intensive methods and applications  Junior researcher  2007  26 
2.  20936  PhD Mitja Dečman  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2008 - 2009  326 
3.  30813  PhD Nuša Erman  Mathematics  Junior researcher  2009  77 
4.  28239  PhD Tina Jukić  Administrative and organisational sciences  Junior researcher  2007 - 2009  166 
5.  19102  MSc Mateja Kunstelj  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2007 - 2009  114 
6.  19593  MSc Anamarija Leben  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2007 - 2009  107 
7.  16302  PhD Ljupčo Todorovski  Computer science and informatics  Head  2007 - 2009  446 
8.  02262  PhD Mirko Vintar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2007 - 2009  420 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0590  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration  Ljubljana  1627163  8,871 
The term life-event refers to a set of public administration services that a citizen needs at a certain point in his/her life or in situations such as a marriage, a childbirth and a retirement. The hardest part of modelling a life-event is constructing its formal description which would enable a straightforward identification of a citizen with a specific life-event, determine which public administration services and processes are necessary for its handling, as well as determine which other life-events of a citizen could influence its handling. Designing a formal life-event model is thus a complicated process that requires a detailed knowledge of procedural implementation of all the specific public administration services entailed by a life-event. One of the significant weaknesses of a recent e-government development, which we would like to overcome by the proposed project, is the lack of a unified formalism for life-even presentation. For this reason each service is developed from the very beginning and without the previously accumulated knowledge in already developed e-services. For this reason we will develop a life-event knowledge presentation model with its corresponding public administration services, which will enable formal, unified and multitasking description of life-event models. Such knowledge presentation model will help developers to develop new e-services as it will enable a unified accession to development, frequent applicability of formalized life-event knowledge and object oriented accession to e-services development. At the end a prototype of semantic browser over the field of life-events will be developed, by which the usability of the developed model will be tested out.
Significance for science
The research results gained within the project are relevant to the development of two scientific disciplines. First and foremost, they contribute to the field of computer and information science (information technology), or more specifically to the field of e-government, i.e., the use of information and communication technology in public administration. The project moves beyond current state-of-the-art in several aspects. First, the developed formalism for modeling life events addresses of the key limitations of the current approaches to development of e-government services, which assume development and implementation of each new service or life event from scratch and in isolation from other development efforts without reuse of existing (already modeled) services and life events. The modeling formalism, developed within the project, makes use of workflows, which can be then easily implemented in e-government portals using standard algorithms and software tools for workflow management. Workflows also allow modeler to incorporate various citizen circumstances in the life-event model; these, in turn, allow for personalization of e-services to the specific circumstances and interests of the user. That is the most distinguishing property of the developed modeling formalism – its ability to address and solve two very important problems of e-government: integration and interoperability of e-services on one hand and personalization of e- services on the other. Furthermore, the developed reference models and ontology of life events allow for unified representation and persistent storage of knowledge about public administration services and life events. Employment of the stored knowledge significantly shortens the time needed for modeling new services and life events, since the knowledge can be re-used in later modeling efforts. The library of models also enables efficient modular approach to the development of e-solutions in the public administration domain. Finally, implementation of the life-event models within the OneStopGov portal and the results of the assessment and evaluation show that the approach developed within the project provides user with support for faster and more precise identification of the services (including documents for invocation of these services) that most closely match the specific life event and circumstances of the citizen. Note also that our research contributes to the field of administrative science. The development of models for evaluating the supply of services at e-government (active and passive) portals and the related user satisfaction allows us for more precise assessment of the role of information technology in public sector. Similarly, formal workflow models of e-participation enables researchers to embed the e-participation processes in existing processes of interaction between citizens and public administration. In this way. the workflow models allows for proper assessment of the role of information technology for improving citizen motivation to actively participate in the processes related to executing public services or development thereof.
Significance for the country
In Slovenia, the development of new and integration of existing e-government services is distributed among several independent development projects (e.g., e-taxes, e-vem for establishing enterprises, or registration of motor vehicles). Each project establishes a separate interdisciplinary team of experts from the areas of informatics and public administration, that analyzes the involvement and role of individual public administration bodies in the decision processes related to the specific e-government project. Knowledge gathered within one team is rarely re-used or transferred to others. Persistent formalization of gathered knowledge about life events and related public services would thus make important contribution to improvement of the existing infrastructure for development of e-government services in Slovenia. The improved infrastructure would allow for faster, easier, and more efficient development of new and integration of existing e-services in the public administration domain and their integration with electronic services in other e-commerce domains. In recent years, Slovenia is ranked high in various comparative studies of e-government development in European countries. Personalization of e-government services gains more and more attention and weight in the composite indicators of the e-government development used in these comparative studies. In that context, the feature of the developed methodology to address the issue of personalization within the context of service integration is an opportunity for Slovenia to confirm and further improve its established reputation and visibility in the domain of e-government within region, EU, or worldwide. The model for knowledge representation, developed within the project, can be also useful for Slovene developers of IT solutions in the public sector domain, since it would allow them faster development of new and innovative solutions and improve their competitive advantage and ability to export their products to foreign markets.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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