Projects / Programmes
Environmental acceptable water energy
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.20.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Hydrology |
Code |
Science |
Field |
B260 |
Biomedical sciences |
Hydrobiology, marine biology, aquatic ecology, limnology |
hydropower, regulated rivers, environmental impact assessment, river restoration
Researchers (11)
Organisations (5)
Construction and operation of hydropower plants impact the aquatic and riparian environments. The primary purpose of the project is to define the environmental objectives and criteria that a hydropower plant must comply with to be environmentally acceptable. Field research will take place on various types of watercourses, which have been regulated due to the construction of hydropower plants. Sampling of hydrological, hydraulic and morphological parameters will be carried out in influence areas during the periods of minimum annual discharge. The interaction of parameters, which compose the structure and functioning of the aquatic and riparian ecosystems, will be established. The results will be processed with selected statistical methods.
The most significant indicators, which reflect the environmental changes resulting from the construction of hydropower plants, will be selected on the basis of information in literature and the fieldwork results. Ecological criteria will be defined to assess the environmental acceptability of hydropower plants. A methodology will be worked out for the assessment of the status of hydropower plant environmental acceptability. It will comprise the techniques for the assessment of river ecology and the operation of hydropower plants. Guidelines for revitalization of the aquatic and riparian environments in hydropower plant influence areas with sustainable methods will be drawn up in accordance with the European directives. The ultimate aim of the project is the integration of environmental objectives, to be met by an environmentally acceptable hydropower plant, into Slovenian legislation. The project results will contribute to the revitalization of the existing hydropower plants and to the improved planning of new hydropower facilities for their better placing in the aquatic environment.
Significance for science
The results obtained on the basis of interdisciplinary approach will contribute to the understanding of relations and interactions between the biocoenosis and biotope in the aquatic and riparian ecosystems. Within the project, we assessed the environmental impacts of hydropower plants, defined pressure factors and environmental objectives and propose measures for their improvement. The developed methodology will serve as the foundation for other methodologies for assessing the environmental impacts on the basis of scientific evidence. The methodology represent a scientific mechanism for solving the problem of the integration of hydropower plants into the environment without neglecting the environmental issues on the local level. In the long run and on the basis of scientific evidence, it will be possible to improve the construction and operation of hydropower plants and upgrade the existing ones.
The scientific community need to learn that the improvement of environmental status of hydropower plants represents a broader ecological importance which provides answers regarding the indicators of environmental status and the adaptability of the aquatic ecosystem in rivers modified due to the construction of hydropower plants.
Significance for the country
Because of the number of environmentally unacceptable hydropower plants in Slovenia and excessive water abstractions from watercourses, large ecological damage occurs to the detriment other water beneficiaries. The environmental objectives of the proposed methodology will take into account actual possibilities of the exploitation of water potential and sustainable integration into the environment. The project results will be of assistance to Slovenia in reporting to the European Union on the attainment of the set goals in the field of water management.
Moreover, the results obtained will be important also for the development of water management in Slovenia and thus significant for the preservation of good ecological status of watercourses.
Ensuring biodiversity in Slovenian rivers is a priority task within the protection of natural and hydrological heritage; therefore, we believe that the proposed project is of importance for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of river ecology and water management and, in particular, it is a sound basis for the preservation of the quality of aquatic environment. It is expected that through a systematic interdisciplinary approach, we will contribute essentially to the development and increased acceptance of hydropower plants by the broad public in Slovenia.
Scientific knowledge obtained within the project will be useful in studies on the determination of ecologically acceptable flow in watercourses, in preventive protection of watercourses, for the revitalization of watercourses and in planning of new hydropower plants on the Sava and Mura rivers and a number of smaller alpine watercourses.
Most important scientific results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on