Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Cultural heritage of Krvavec - preparation of the tourist product and its management

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.02.00  Humanities  Archaeology   

Code Science Field
H340  Humanities  Archaeology 
tourism, archaeology, settlement, Middle Ages, paleoenvironment, tourist product, open-air museum, management
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (4)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18462  PhD Maja Andrič  Archaeology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  227 
2.  09029  Mateja Belak  Archaeology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  197 
3.  09461  PhD Andrej Pleterski  Archaeology  Head  2007 - 2009  603 
4.  27737  PhD Benjamin Štular  Archaeology  Researcher  2007 - 2009  263 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000  63,192 
Medieval archaeology in Slovenia is under developed compared to the other areas of interest in the archaeology. The archaeological site (1600 m height above sea level) Na Bleku on Krvavec is dated to Early Medieval and High Medieval Era (7th/8th - 13th/14th century AD). So far some remarkably well preserved building remains were discovered. The Medieval buildings in question were abandoned fully equiped and are therefore a prime example of the so-called "Pompeii phenomenon". The question of the purpose of dwelling in the high-Alps remains unanswered. The ability to answer this question is highly dependant on the paleoenvironmental researches. The archaeological site is situated at the edge of the ski-lanes of the nearby ski resort, the capacities of which are far from fully exploited in the summer time. Therefore, the situation calls for integrating cultural heritage in the programme of the ski resort. One such opportunity for direct integration of cultural heritage in the leisure time activities is an archaeological open air museum. The multitude of contents and their economic evaluation demand for a specific management, though. The latter has to be in sync with the land-rights and it has to incorporate public interest and it has to respect the cultural resources management standards as well. The specifics of the planned Krvavec ski resort open air museum demand for development of the unique model for managing this touristic product. The proposed research therefore has several interconnected objectives. The first of which is to gather enough scientific data to enable the reconstruction of the Medieval highlander way of life and the purpose of it. This will be accomplished within three-year research combining seasonal campaigns - the season for archaeology is short on such an altitude - and laboratory work. The acomplishments of the first objective will give ground for work on the second objective that is preparation of touristic product, archaeological open air museum. The latter will present a touristic attraction with a strong message and high educational value. Therefore a new profile of the visitors will be drawn in and in the same time the existent visitors will be returning more often. Also the winter season will be given new attraction. Hence the time of visitors stay will be prolonged and the visitors will be willing to spend more money. All in all the profit will rise considerably. Since it will be the first such attraction on European ski resorts the Krvavec ski resort will gain yet additional comparative advantage regarding the competition.
Significance for science
The Krvavec site systematic archaeological excavation in the high mountain region is the first of its kind in Slovenia. The sudden abandonment of some of the building - almost inexistent in densely populated lowlands - created a rare taphophmic situation that enables us to study life "frozen" 1000 years ago. As such it enables us to test and develop archaeological interpretative tools. These are being used - in combination with archaeological experiments, experimental archaeology and ethnological data - to reconstruct the daily lives of past society. An exceptional opportunity in the Krvavec study is the existence of oral tradition that describes the contacts of previous settlers the 'Vlachs' and newly arriving Slavs. This tradition can be linked to archaeological remains. Therefore, this study is opening previously untouched research field that could be called the archaeology of the tales. This new approach is opening a new insight into the past using insofar unexploited source, the oral history. It is archaeology that can attribute the time depth and thus historical value to oral history. Regarding the more rudimental archaeological research, excellent preservation of some of the artefacts enabled us to understand some previously unknown aspects of medieval past. Among these are some newly discovered types of pottery and, more importantly, some new building types as well. The latter, documented as a material evidence for the first time in Slovenia, shed an important new light on the building-types development in Slovenia. The ceramic horizon of the end of the 9th century - well documented both in stratigraphy as well as with C14 dates - will be a crucial element for the typo-chronology of medieval pottery since it represents the missing link between the Early Medieval and High Medieval archaeology. The discovered early- and high-medieval buildings will further improve this knowledge. Also, the usability of the phytolith analysis in the acidic non-permanently-wet soils has been demonstrated; not just for the reconstruction of the medieval environment but for the recognition of some of the building materials as well. In summary this study is bringing us the results that would be unattainable in any other circumstances in Slovenia.
Significance for the country
Krvavec is the touristic-recreational region at the edge of the territory protected as Nature 2000. The open-air museum oriented research enables the so called soft implementation of cultural and natural heritage for economic purposes following the principles of sustainable development. It enables economic growth of the area under the protection of the natural and cultural heritage institution on the basis of those exact natural and cultural monuments that were previously seen as hindering the development. At the same time such attitude is the surest possible guaranty for preserving those monuments. Setting up a touristic attraction with powerful message and educational value. Therefore a new profile of the visitors could be drawn in and in the same time the existent visitors will be returning more often. Also the winter season will be given new attraction. Hence the time of visitors stay will be prolonged and the visitors will be willing to spend more money. All in all the profit will rise considerably. Since it will be the first such attraction on European ski resorts the Krvavec ski resort will gain yet additional comparative advantage regarding the competition. It also provides the opportunity for networking as of yet unconnected cultural and natural monuments in the area.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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