Projects / Programmes
Modeling of wear of coated tools in sliding contact with softer hot metal using cellular automata approach
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.04.02 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Materials science and technology |
Metallic materials |
Code |
Science |
Field |
B430 |
Biomedical sciences |
Sylviculture, forestry, forestry technology |
cellular automata, wear, complex systems, surface topography, modeling, rule based systems
Researchers (17)
no. |
Code |
Name and surname |
Research area |
Role |
Period |
No. of publicationsNo. of publications |
1. |
28493 |
PhD David Bombač |
Manufacturing technologies and systems |
Junior researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
120 |
2. |
19511 |
PhD Janko Bračič |
Mathematics |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
353 |
3. |
29476 |
PhD Matevž Fazarinc |
Materials science and technology |
Junior researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
102 |
4. |
18566 |
PhD Matjaž Knap |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
143 |
5. |
13518 |
PhD Vid Krušič |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
42 |
6. |
19623 |
PhD Goran Kugler |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
289 |
7. |
11625 |
PhD Jožef Medved |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
998 |
8. |
18565 |
PhD Primož Mrvar |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
820 |
9. |
08372 |
MSc Celestin Nzobandora |
Materials science and technology |
Technical associate |
2010 - 2011 |
22 |
10. |
08745 |
PhD Iztok Peruš |
Civil engineering |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
285 |
11. |
23608 |
PhD Janez Prešern |
Biology |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
219 |
12. |
08302 |
PhD Tomaž Rodič |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
242 |
13. |
00735 |
PhD Anton Smolej |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
276 |
14. |
05206 |
PhD Milan Terčelj |
Materials science and technology |
Head |
2008 - 2011 |
394 |
15. |
00739 |
PhD Radomir Turk |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2008 - 2011 |
374 |
16. |
27601 |
PhD Maja Vončina |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
344 |
17. |
11755 |
PhD Željko Vukelič |
Mining and geotechnology |
Researcher |
2010 - 2011 |
325 |
Organisations (1)
In the proposed project procedures for 3D mesoscopic modeling of wear progress of coated tools in sliding contact with softer hot metal based on cellular automata (CA) will be developed. CA technique requires the definition of cells and transformation rules that adequately reflect the local system behavior. Thus the values of the relevant state variables such as temperature, loadings, material state, microcarracks state, etc. will be mapped onto the cells of CA grid. The transformation rules will be defined according to the physics on a microscale. The dynamical evolution of the system will be then obtained by simultaneously updating the states of all cells through the employment of transformation rules. By this the temporal evolution of the tool wear, which include the evolution of roughness and degradation of components (coatings) by taking into account generated heat, variation of temperature, diffusion, formation of wear debris, chemical attack, and thermal and mechanical loadings, will be simulated. The necessary parameters of the model will be obtained from thermal and mechanical fatigue and bloc-on-cylinder testing equipment. Modeling will be supported with extensive characterization work.
Significance for science
Understandness of variability of processes of coated surfaces as well as prevailing wear mechanisms are very important for designing of hot deformation technologies, for their economy as well as for quallity of products. Study of wear in tribological pair »soft and heated material in sliding contact with hard counterbody« is very demanding due to maintenance of sufficient high contact pressure at the workpiece temperature close to its melting point. So far the test that will fulfil expected demands was not available. In the frame of this project the test with such characteristics was developed. Thus new posibilities are open for deeper insight in processes take place at wear in the tribological systems.
Moreover it was found out that occurence of cracking on the tested surface is consequence so thermal as well as mechanical fatigue. Due to presence of fatigue proces complex tribological conditions take place. For better understandniss of rolle of fatigue in the tribological system a new computer guided thermomechanical test was developed. By means above mentioned new tests a new insight in reasons leading to different wear mechanisms as well as degradation paths is now enabled.
By means of model based on method of cellular automata we succed to describe and to explain observed complexity of the tribological system »soft and heated material in sliding contact with hard counterbody«.
Significance for the country
Since the researched domain is very relevant for slovenian industry with great contribution in budget, the explanations about so far unknown reasons for great variability of service times of extrusion dies, about variabilty of wear progress die bearing surfaces, and about appropriate nitrided microstructures that corespond to actual contact pressure on bearing surface, will result in prolongation of die service times and consequently also in increased productivity. Here is worth to mention, that leading members of the projct due to sucessful aplication of new developed dies for hot extrusion in industry won first award among research slovenian groups on FORUM of Slovenian Inovations in year 2008. Aplication of mentioned dies in industry increased the profit of these extrusion processes for about 1.000.000 EURO in year 2008. Similar effect was achieved also in years 2009 and 2010. New enquired knowledges will enable further increasing of the economy, since also additional improvement at konstruction of extusion dies is planned for decreasing of contact pressures on die bearing surfaces. Furthermore, also increasing of quallity of nitrided microstructure as well as increasing of extrusion speeds are planned.
The results of the project are transferable also on die for high pressure die casting.
Most important scientific results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on