Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The role of Nauportus in the Romanization process in the southeastern Alpine region

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.02.00  Humanities  Archaeology   

Code Science Field
H310  Humanities  Art history 
south-eastern Alpine area, Romanization, Nauportus, wooden buildings, storehouses, wells, stratigraphy, chronology, ceramics, metal objects, interdisciplinarity, archaeology, history, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, environment, way of life
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (6)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15299  Janez Dirjec  Archaeology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  127 
2.  04622  Andreja Dolenc Vičič  Archaeology  Technical associate  2008 - 2011  17 
3.  08057  PhD Jana Horvat  Archaeology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  314 
4.  06464  PhD Marjeta Šašel Kos  Archaeology  Head  2008 - 2011  462 
5.  20222  PhD Borut Toškan  Humanities  Researcher  2009 - 2011  413 
6.  23511  PhD Julijana Visočnik  Humanities  Researcher  2008  346 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000  62,734 
Nauportus (today's Vrhnika) was one of the most important Roman settlements in the southeastern Alpine region. It was situated on the key strategic point at the beginning of the navigation route along the Ljubljanica and Sava. It laid on the territory of the colony of Aquileia, in the 10th region of Italy (Venetia et Histria). The archaeology and history of the Roman settlement had been rather well known, but the new archaeological excavations on the site Hočevarjev vrt in Vrhnika in 2005 have changed and complemented some previous statements. The occupation phases from the last decade B.C. to the 4th centuy A.D. have been revealed: architecture, excelent stratigraphy, abundance of small finds, very well preserved organic material. The main goal of the proposed research is commentary on different ways the Roman civilisation had spread into the interior of Slovenia. A comparative study will be prepared on the basis of historical and epigraphical data. The earliest period of the settlement on Kočevarjev vrt will be analysed (from the end of the 1st century B.C. to the middle of the 1st century A.D.). This is a period of the consolidation of Roman authority and the fast Romanization. The research will be held in the following course: 1. stratigraphy; 2. analysis of the wooden and stone architecture; 3. analysis of the small finds; 4. analysis of animal bones; 5. additional analyses in natural sciences (phytolites, palinology, geological definition of sediments and stone material and radiocarbon dating); 6. the results of archaeological and nature science research will be confronted and connected (dendrochronology, macrobotanics, palinology, palaeozoology); 7. the analysis of the lead label with the inscription mentioning Nauportus.
Significance for science
Nauportus, the settlement in the area of the present-day Vrhnika, represents one of the most important early Roman sites in Europe with its geostrategic position, epigraphic monuments and architecture. The comparative analyses of the early Roman period in the large region of the Eastern Alps and the multidisciplinary assessment of the excavated material from the archaeological site Kočevarjev vrt in Vrhnika provided a step forward in the research of Romanisation on the international scale. Romanisation (including the study of different identities) is also one of the main objectives of the Roman provincial archaeology. The most important results are: absolute chronology of the site, good relative archaeological chronology, new data about the economic development, trade, migrations, and natural environment, as well as the development of the cultural landscape at the beginning of the Roman period.
Significance for the country
The results of the project are important for the development of the national cultural identity. Direct impact of the project will be perceived in the fields of education, cultural development, protection of the cultural heritage and in the tourist offer. The Roman site Kočevarjev vrt in Vrhnika with excellently preserved wood is unique in Slovenia and represents a rarity even in wider European space. A thorough and quick evaluation of all available data is basic for the conservation, keeping, exhibition and publishing the wood. Methods for collecting the field data concerning wood finds were explored and the methods of wood sampling were analysed, which enabled us to propose the necessary improvements. Both have already produced a positive influence on the rescue field excavations with similar material. The project results represent a basis for the protection of archaeological monuments in the territory of Vrhnika and for planning rescue and research archaeological interventions. The results serve also as a basis for a future museum presentation of Nauportus and the beginning of the Roman period in the south eastern Alps.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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