Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Energetsko visoko učinkoviti hibridni sinhronski motorji s trajnimi magneti (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.12.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices   
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (12)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  16119  MSc Matej Gajzer  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  42 
2.  20452  PhD Miralem Hadžiselimović  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2009  443 
3.  04530  PhD Anton Hamler  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  583 
4.  28576  Janko Horvat  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  17 
5.  12623  PhD Marko Jesenik  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  307 
6.  24501  PhD Tine Marčič  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  127 
7.  29929  Peter Pišek  Electric devices  Junior researcher in economics  2008 - 2010  27 
8.  14738  PhD Bojan Štumberger  Electric devices  Head  2008 - 2010  512 
9.  10814  PhD Gorazd Štumberger  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2009  982 
10.  02077  PhD Mladen Trlep  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2010  515 
11.  26076  PhD Peter Virtič  Electric devices  Junior researcher  2008 - 2009  271 
12.  02078  PhD Ivan Zagradišnik  Electric devices  Researcher  2008 - 2009  339 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0796  University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  Maribor  5089638003  27,977 
Significance for science
In the frame of the applied research project the new design methods have been developed and applied. These new developed methods include determination of energy balance and study of starting and synchronization capability of hybrid synchronous motor with permanent magnets and starting squirrel-cage in different steady state and dynamic transient operation modes as well. Energy balance has been determined by post-processing results of the hybrid motor magnetic field by using the finite element method. For study of starting and synchronization capabilities of hybrid synchronous motors the dynamic model with concentrated parameters has been applied. The developed dynamic model takes into account electrical and mechanical subsystem of the drive. The combination of both mentioned methods represents a reliable tool for prediction of hybrid motor characteristics in steady state and dynamic transient state of starting and synchronization as well. The above mentioned developed methods and direct comparison of characteristics and efficiency of hybrid synchronous motors and induction motors of same physical dimensions, have not been previously known in the literature. The used design method procedure has been verified experimentally with measurements on prototypes in motors steady state and transient working conditions.
Significance for the country
The applied research project deals above all with the improvement of energy efficiency of electric motors, which in industrially developed countries convert more than a half of the produced electrical energy into other forms. Therefore, even a small improvement of the efficiency of electrical machines yields high energy savings and improvement of energy efficiency. Considering the principles of sustainable development, energy efficiency is of high importance, because the electrical energy consumption and electrical energy prices are persistently growing. The usage of hybrid permanent magnet synchronous motors, which replaces induction motors, can on a long-term decrease the consumption of electrical energy and consequently decrease the user’s electrical energy cost for a specific application. Results of the applied research project can be placed among technologies for sustainable development, and more precisely, among technologies for the rational use of energy. All developed and manufactured hybrid synchronous motors prototypes exhibit in the steady state conditions better efficiency and high power factor in comparison to induction motors of the same physical dimensions. The most important result of research work has been materialized with finalized development of new energy efficient hybrid synchronous motor for electric motor drives of semi-hermetic piston compressors. Energy efficiency of the new motor concept has been verified with laboratory testing in laboratories of FERI, laboratories of co-founding organization (Hidria Rotomatika d.o.o.) and in laboratories of selected producers of semi-hermetic piston compressors as well. With the finalization of the development and positive test results on prototypes and samples, the good foundation for the further industrialization of this project has been established. With this new product Hidria Rotomatika d.o.o expands the offer of energy efficient electric motors and increases their competiveness on segment of semi-hermetic piston compressors. The new foundations for further implementation of new hybrid motor concept in the field of alternative aplications such as water pumps and fans have been established as well. The benefit to the new solution is also the EU Energy-policy with the directive about Ecodesign of Energy related Products (Directive 2009/125/EC) which exactly prescribes the new minimal efficiency levels for energy efficiency of electric motors used in the drives of devices such as compressors, pumps and fans with nominal power in the range from 125 W up to 500 kW. Establishing of the beneficiary as the producer of new and energy efficient products on the international market, will promote Slovenia's scientific and economic activity on the world market. Slovenia will be promoted as a country that supports applicative research and development cooperation between science and economy.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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