Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Separacijski in drugi procesi za zmanjševanje toplogrednih plinov na podlagi načel trajnostnega razvoja (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.02.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Chemical engineering   

Code Science Field
2.04  Engineering and Technology  Chemical engineering  
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (9)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11243  PhD Štefan Čelan  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2011 - 2012  304 
2.  00853  PhD Janvit Golob  Chemical engineering  Head  2009 - 2012  600 
3.  14980  PhD Dušan Klinar  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  185 
4.  20480  PhD Sergej Knez  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  22 
5.  25446  PhD Blaž Likozar  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2011  1,324 
6.  33156  PhD Miha Narobe  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2010 - 2012 
7.  12681  PhD Bojan Pahor  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  2011  167 
8.  20043  PhD Aleksandra Pivec  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  107 
9.  20089  PhD Klavdija Rižnar  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2012  150 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0103  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology  Ljubljana  1626990  24,196 
2.  1421  Scientific research Centre Bistra Ptuj  Ptuj  5844975000  453 
Significance for science
The development of scientific expertise in the field of separation processes (separating and gathering-concentrating) is of decisive importance for deepening of the essential understanding of separation processes, necessary for selection and optimization of technological processes and technologies. Separation technologies and technologies for permanent warehousing (sequestration) or re-use of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from industry gas emissions and primary energy production represent very important, if not key parts in closing the circle of carbon usage. That's why they represent one of the most important research-development (RD) priorities and with that one of the biggest challenges of global permanent development. Beside separation processes also processes and technologies for degradation of compounds with high molecular mass and complex structure in fundamental cornerstones, like H2 and CO, are decisive for restoration of circles of use of carbon and its compounds. Both components represent important parts in future circles for production, as well as for storage of energy. Hydrogen, as a carrier and an intermediary for energy storage is shown as ecologically most acceptable element. CO presents a half way (in terms of energy) to final clipboard (CO2), as well as to pure carbon and at the same time a good starting-point for synthesis of higher molecular carbon compounds, for example Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or transformation of CO2 into biomass through micro-organisms. The solution for assuring mass and economically effective source of both compounds is represented by the gasification process, especially gasification with water steam as a source of oxygen and hydrogen. That kind of process enables acquiring of concentrated synthesis gas without ballast gasses like CO2 and N2. Among these processes there is an especially established process – gasification with high intem level of circulation of catalyst and heat carrier, that enables the separation of reactors for gasification and combustion and with that the separation of synthesis gas from smoke gases combustion. That sot of reactor was developed on laboratory and pilot level in Vienna University of Technology (TUW) and transferred into first uses onto industry rock (objects of thermal power of 8 MW Guessing and Oberwart). In this way, in TUW they develop also processes for circulation and concentration of CO2 in fluidized layer. By establishing collaboration with the University of Vienna TUV, we have developed the knowledge to use a variety of biomass resources and other materials, which contain carbon for acquiring synthesis gas. That kind of source is represented by waste, which in certain regions contains up to 70% of energy, that region needs for heating. In this way waste presents accessible, economically favourable hydrogen source, that does not interfere into food production (on farms) and presents a direct intervention in rescuing environmental problems and the essential intervention in reducing consumption of fossil fuels.
Significance for the country
The near future presents direction into the development of technologies, which include the use of CO2, as a reagent in its own processes (material use of CO2) and technologies that replace the use of fossil fuels with biomass and alternative fuels. The next area, which contributes to reduction of CO2 emissions and environmental print of products, is the development of new generations of products with improved environmental effects and reduced CO2 emission prints at its production and use and in the phase of destruction or recycling. The first perspective area is the area of the micro filler usage in the paper industry on the basis of calcium carbonate of different crystal structures that covers the direct use of CO2 in the process. That's how we developed in the framework of research group in the past years a technology of CaCO3 precipitation from lime suspension and also patent the invention SI 22624 (publication 2009). The pilot and industrial devices were built in IAK Kresnice and tested by Radeče Papir company for the use of material in production of photocopier paper. In 2011 the regular production of precipitated CaCO3 is foreseen. The other segment – the development of new platforms of products with reduced environmental print is presented by a series of developed products for Unichem company. The company produces products for protection against mischief-makers, which are especially sensitive regarding emissions of active substances into the environment or food chain. That's how we developed, in the framework of program group, two new groups of products on the basis of micro-capsuling of active substance and binding the active substance into the micro-gel. The direction of research group into the gave a result of 5 RD groups, which are developing in different environments in Slovenia. The first group in Albin Promotion d.o.o. company Majšperk is developing a technology of pyrolysis of organic materials and biomass for co-production of heat and electricity. The pilot device is built on the basis of TIA – SRRP 08 project. Laboratory device of vol 1L and the pilot device of volume 2,5 m3 enable the researches of pyrolysis of different materials and the development of technological processes for different materials. The pilot device has two gas engines with power of 150 kW and a 250 kW diesel engine for testing gas and liquid pyrolysis products in cogeneration. We have registered and successfully obtained two patents in 2012 (SI 23545 A, SI 23553 A). The other group for the development of biomass digestion and biological part of waste in solid state with watering operates in the framework of ZRS Bistra Ptuj. A pilot device is built of volume 2x 100L for testing suitable-sized samples. The program is developing together with the municipal company Javne službe Ptuj d.o.o. The company is preparing an investment into anaerobic digestion of organic part of waste in solid state and ZRS Bistra Ptuj takes care of base engineering of the investment. The third group was formed at a company BOSIO d.o.o. in co-operation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University of Ljubljana. A re-search assistant in TIA program is researching and developing a pilot device for biomass gasification in fluidized layer for co-production of electricity and heat of small power up to 2 MW. The forth group is taking shape in a connection with Vienna University of Technology, who has a goal to develop a pilot device for gasification of alternative fuels, developed from waste. Research and develop the knowledge are significant for the creation of base engineering for the use of alternative fuels (SRF fuels and pellet fuels) in gasification. In this way we will enable the construction of larger gasification devices in the regions with power up to 10 MW on the basis of biomass and waste utilization. The fifth research group was formed in Helios d.o.o., where is developing the basis for new generation of products with reduced environmental print.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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