Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Primerjalna analiza slovenske antropologije v evropskem raziskovalnem prostoru: preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.03.02  Humanities  Anthropology  Social and cultural anthropology 

Code Science Field
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (3)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  14294  PhD Rajko Muršič  Anthropology  Head  2009 - 2012  1,895 
2.  31262  Radharani Pernarčič  Anthropology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  58 
3.  27631  PhD Dan Podjed  Ethnology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  655 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  98,951 
Significance for science
Accomplished partial comparisons of the development of social/cultural anthropology in selected European countries (Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Greece, Austria, Macedonia, Turkey, France, Great Britain and Spain) show that in continental anthropology integration of local ethnological traditions with anthropological traits is a success. Essential differences among them regard colonial past of particular countries. Analysis of the work of Niko Zupanič, Vilko Novak and Slavko Kremenšek show that anthropologisation of ethnology was only possible on the basis of quite courageous methodological and epistemological views and innovations. This courage, unfortunately, is now in decline. It is important that Slovenian ethnologists developed wide, comparative discipline, and they did apply it efficiently, either in socio-political (Zupanič) or agricultural-economic (Novak) sense. Perspectives in application of the discipline are very wide: from medical anthropology to intercultural relations, communications and entrepreneurship. Opportunities in development of social/cultural anthropology are obvious in cultural management, analysis of organizational cultures, gerontology, youth policies and applications in social planning. However, applicability is still recognised primarily in economy. Results of the project confirm the need to rethink methodological and epistemological grounds of the discipline, historically and in the present, but especially radical rethinking of ethnographic practice. On one hand, it is approaching arts, on the other it is based on bodily Habituation: cognitive aspects in understanding of ways of life are not separable from bodily-experiential. The research shows the need to direct anthropological observation on those social issues and “phenomena” that are “present” in their absence. Study of the absence of particular practices can be especially long-term effective. Due to past colonial experience, in the West anthropologists hesitate about its applicability. In Central/Eastern Europe, where ethnology developed in the frame of national liberation, criticisms are aimed especially to local chauvinisms and nationalisms, while they express considerably less objections to application of knowledge in economy and development, therefore it is no coincidence that discussions and initiatives to develop applied anthropology is coming from this part of Europe (Slovenia, Poland). Due to applicability of anthropological knowledge it is more obvious an urgent need for radical rethinking of ethnographic practices. Ethnographic techniques may become improved with techniques from other disciplines and bridge the gap between theory and practice. For scholarship, an important outcome of the project, derived as well from practice, that ethnographic method is more and more important way of acquiring data about society. Ethnography is universally useful method – and perhaps the only which can follow social change, describes it and offer material which enables analyses of social processes and use of specific knowledge to link everyday life and various kinds of policies and government. The research team, with their research, accentuated the importance of ethnography and research of perception and senses in new contexts. It specifically studied experiential (yes, bodily!) ground of mutual social reality with use of ethnography in modern context. Collaborative ethnography, and the one which takes versions of continental ethnographic approaches, was proved as worth our attention and testing. Our local experience, followed by demands of local actors (precariat, observers and protectors of nature, youth), excellently follows visions of contemporary ethnography as is designed and done by Paul Rabinov, Stefan Helmreich, David Graeber or Nigel Rapport.
Significance for the country
In its practical part, the research project had various kinds of social impact. Members of the project team regularly appear in public (in media, round tables, art and other events, work as editors…). They develop different kinds of usable tools and lead national and international projects or are engaged in development projects (education, volunteering, and development and youth policies). They apply their research directly into study processes, and they invite students to participate in projects. The project group successfully accomplished several international projects in which it promoted Slovenian science and knowledge in manifold ways. Two members of the team were leading persons in application for the multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence; all of them contributed their knowledge to three more applications – two of them were successful. Dan Podjed participated in development of the web portal for presentation of data on nature and cultural heritage in the project Dedi. Rajko Muršič participated at analysis of school textbooks for the African Centre and in the discussions on the mid-term development strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. Radharani Pernarčič worked in different formations (e.g., Society for Contemporary Dance; Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers; KOKS – Coordination Council of Slovenian Culture) and was engaged in improvement of the working conditions for Slovenian artists and other creators in culture. She claims that such cooperation should embrace more anthropologists; their integration should become systematic. Based on her studies of freelancing and self-employment and efforts for the establishment of the Centre for Contemporary Dance (which was, due to the complex political situation, unfortunately cancelled just before its establishment), she suggest that anthropology should become systematically integrated in planning of work reforms and politics. With understanding of the wider social circumstances, and specifically with ethnographic method, anthropology, perhaps as the only discipline, can bring knowledge on the genuine needs and expectations of people in particular social sphere, and with that, it can anticipate how certain solution will work out and which effects it might have in their living reality. These guidelines, of course, transcend the limits of the project. Study of freelancers in the field of culture, as well as the project itself, again confirm many times repeated points on secondary socio-economic impact of certain sectors (e.g., culture and science), which can only be detected on long-term. This is the reason for their sustainable development. Radharani Pernarčič continuously introduced and tested innovative methods of work in already existing anthropological practice. She asserts that introduction of new practices in research is easily introduced in cooperation with foreign universities. Interdisciplinary work and innovations as so far encouraged only in principle, but there is no systemic solutions (e.g., with classificators and system of marking). This situation strongly makes difficult integration of new/different methods of work in research and/or education programmes, with which they are left on the level of “additional teaching hours” and enthusiasm of an individual. With the study of development and perspectives of anthropology in Slovenia, the project group tried to stimulate further development of this area of research in social sciences and humanities which still, despite permanent personnel and material deprivation, shows results above the average.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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