Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Pomen digitalnih tehnologij za razvoj slovenske AV produkcije v luči strategije Evropa 2020. (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
7.02.00  Interdisciplinary research  Interdisciplinary research   

Code Science Field
6.05  Humanities  Other humanities 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  33539  Jernej Burkeljca  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2011 - 2012  92 
2.  30052  Petra Cafnik  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2011 - 2012  23 
3.  09449  PhD Marjan Družovec  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2010 - 2012  418 
4.  25426  PhD Marko Hölbl  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2011 - 2012  508 
5.  29072  Andrej Sevčnikar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2011 - 2012  23 
6.  32872  PhD Tina Tomažič  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2010 - 2012  229 
7.  06794  PhD Tatjana Welzer Družovec  Interdisciplinary research  Researcher  2011 - 2012  788 
8.  15335  PhD Melita Zajc  Anthropology  Head  2010 - 2012  391 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0796  University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  Maribor  5089638003  28,012 
Significance for science
1. The results of the project are important for the development of basic sciences because of the insights regarding epistemology of science and technology. The analysis of the reception of digital technologies within Slovene audiovisual landscape proves that the use is what makes technology part of society. Technology must be studied in the context of its use, such approach is enabled by the concept of dispositive. The existence of a great variety of uses in the times of introduction of technology was confirmed in the case of contemporary Slovene AV production. 2. Equally important are our conclusions regarding research methods in communication. In particular, conclusions about the importance of interdisciplinary approaches, and of audience studies, especially audience ethnography are insightful, since in contemporary Social Media members of the audience are performing the double role of consumer and producer. 3. Results, related to the field of contemporary media landscape, have led to two discoveries. Firstly, the uses of new media have developed into what we now call Social Media, which have already partly replaced the Mass Media. The second discovery is that the users of these media differ significantly from the users of Mass Media, so a new term is being developed - the one of "prosumer". Mass Media are based on a centralized mode of distribution of contents, created by professional authors, to the mass audience, which is passively consuming these contents. Online communication, on the contrary, is based on the networked distribution, where users directly connect to each other. Social Media, in addition to the networked distribution, are based on technologies of Web 2.0, with broadband connections, enabling for the fast exchange of audiovisual contents, and for creative participation of every user. Insights offered by recent studies in sociology also attest to the active participation of consumers. Contemporary societies differ from all previous societies, due to the use of digital technologies, in that in contemporary societies production and consumption are not separated any longer, but are taking place simultaneously. The bearer of this overlapping is the "prosumer" - a consumer who is at the same time also a producer. This points to an important shift in habits in leisure time activities. Habits of a passive spending of leisure time, typical for TV viewing, are recently shifting towards more active leisure time habits. Comparative studies begin to point to the historical nature of passive use of media, as limited only to mass media. 4. Important for the social communication research is our insight about the changing business models. Old business models are not successful any longer. In the field of entertainment contents, this is demonstrated by the diminished revenues of the multinational companies, the largest intellectual rights owners. News contents were traditionally the focus of communication and media studies, since they facilitated transmission of information, crucial for the formation of public opinion as the basis for democratic decision making processes. Within old business models, they were financed either by public media with subventions, or by commercial media with advertisements. New business models which at present dominate in online communication, do not enable the financing of entertainment contents, and also do not enable the financing of news contents. Creation of both has, to a significant degree, been taken over by the users who perform this task for free, without being paid for. Along these processes, the distinction between entertainment and news contents is dissolving, also, contemporary societies are facing the lack of ground for public opinion formation. Partly this lack is filled by new business models, developing along Social Media, such as crowd funding. The potentials of these are still to be explored and developed.
Significance for the country
1. Two decades ago, Slovene film and AV production was in the hands of only a couple of producers. Slovene independence, the introduction of market economy, but in particular new digital technologies in the field of production and postproduction of AV contents, and in recent years the online distribution channels, were accompanied by a significant increase in numbers of AV producers. The view of the regulators is focused on the big ones, who control the field to such a degree that it is already limiting its development. Our analysis was performed among independent AV producers and focused on the individual producers as the major actors of the transformation of the traditional, static business models into new, dynamic and still-developing business models. Our approach pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of new opportunities, brought about by recent developments in digital technologies. On the one hand, we analyzed global media landscape with clear definition of the opportunities for minor productions. On the other hand, we critically evaluated the capacities of slovene AV producers to seize these opportunities. Data showing that there are 63 producers, working with various budgets and of various organizational forms, active in the field at present, testify to the entrepreneurial attitude of slovene AV producers. Our comparative analysis provided a solid ground for such regulative framework, in which entrepreneurial initiative of AV producers will develop further, thus contributing to both, the development of the field and of the Slovene economy. 2. The project contributes to the development of AV production in Slovenia as a whole. Detailed analysis of the independent AV producers enables a more balanced view of the field from the perspective of individual actors. Balanced understanding of the roles of individual producers is necessary for the development of such regulative grounds, where the variety of producers will create more competition within AV production. The project provides evidence of and contributes to the development of various approaches to the AV production, as enabled by contemporary digital technologies and by possibilities for distribution on online and mobile platforms. 3. Particularly important is the analysis of larger transformations, which along with the development of digital technologies affect the entire media landscape. Mass Media are gradually being replaced by Social Media. Phenomena, brought about by this development, from "prosumer" and participative media culture, to the fall of traditional media, cause different interpretations. Our project presented various approaches and interpretations, however, our point is that with the transformation of mediascape, the relationships between individual actors of mediascape has changed. AV production has become an important actor of slovene mediascape and a significant part within the process of the formation of critical public. Thus, the dynamics of AV field can have a positive role within the search for solutions in a situation, where the failing of old business models is weakening the traditional media. The project offers insights which might prove useful in search of innovative solutions for the diminishing of the traditional basis for the formation of critical public. 4. The results of the project also point to the possible developments in a global context. We have provided a global analysis of media landscapes from the perspective of transformations of old and development of new business models. We critically presented main case studies of successful solutions and analyses performed in other comparative environments. This might provide useful information for internet and mobile platforms' providers, providers of services and contents providers, in terms of their cooperation with Slovene producers of AV contents, and their involvement with global networks.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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