International projects source: SICRIS

Improvement of precision in forming by simultaneous modelling of deflections in workpiece-die-press system

Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0248  MAHLE Electric Drives Slovenija d.o.o., Električna in elektronska oprema (Slovene)  Šempeter pri Gorici  5045410  389 
2.  1533  Centre for Computational Continuum Mechanics  Ljubljana  5663270  83 
The deflections of the press frame are a result of the combined stiffness of the press-die-workpiece system which is changing during the process because of the changing geometry of the workpiece. For enabling precision forging, a system able to predict the optimal tool shape, the position of the tool and the angles of the main planes in the tool cavity in relation to the press, the workpiece material and the required tolerances must be available. For that purpose a system for measuring and characterise press stiffness under complex loading conditions will be established together with a FE-based module which compute deflections. The software will simultaneously interact in a combined workpiece-die-press system for optimise the precision of parts and service life of tooling systems by taking into account press stiffness.
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