International projects source: SICRIS

Flexible electricity networks to integrate the expected 'energy evolution

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0252  KORONA Power Engineering  Ljubljana  5278996  232 
The objective of FENIX is to boost DER (Distributed Energy Resources) by maximizing their contribution to the electric power system, through aggregation into Large Scale Virtual Power Plants (LSVPP) and decentralized management. The project is organized in three phases: * Analysis of the DER contribution to the electrical system, assessed in two future scenarios (Northern and Southern) with realistic DER penetration * Development of a layered communication and control solution validated for a comprehensive set of network use cases, including normal and abnormal operation, as well as recommendations to adapt international power standards. We envision a threefold R&D effort: - the key component is the Large Scale Virtual Power Plant (LSVPP) which is an aggregation of DER taking into account the actual location of individual DERs in the network. LSVPPs will have flexibility and controllability to provide different services to energy and ancillary services markets. - the bottom level is the local solution at individual DER itself, responsible for managing the unit in connection with the LSVPP - and finally the higher level, which consists of a new generation of EMS and DMS tools to be developed, placed respectively at the TSO and the DSO, with the new ability to manage LSVPP capacities for network operation; and the markets that will put a value on these capacities * Validation through 2 large field deployments, one focused on domestic CHP aggregation, and the second aggregating large DER in LSVPPs (wind farms, industrial cogeneration), integrated with global network management and markets To achieve these multi-discipline objectives, the FENIX consortium incorporates: Research Centres and Universities with high involvement in previous and current EU projects in this area (CRISP, DISPOWER, MICROGRIDS, EUDEEP...)
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