Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Use of original lignocellulosic biofuel for cogeneration of electric energy and heat

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.03.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Energy engineering   

Code Science Field
T140  Technological sciences  Energy research 

Code Science Field
2.03  Engineering and Technology  Mechanical engineering 
Gas turbine; Biofuel; Combustion; Exhaust emissions, CO2 footprint; Reliability; Cogeneration
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (6)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  36677  Boštjan Jurjevčič  Energy engineering  Researcher  2015  46 
2.  23468  PhD Tomaž Katrašnik  Energy engineering  Head  2013 - 2016  678 
3.  11733  PhD Matjaž Kunaver  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2013 - 2016  339 
4.  19286  PhD Samuel Rodman Oprešnik  Energy engineering  Researcher  2013 - 2016  155 
5.  33516  PhD Tine Seljak  Energy engineering  Researcher  2013 - 2016  200 
6.  32069  PhD Gregor Tavčar  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2015  46 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0104  National Institute of Chemistry  Ljubljana  5051592000  21,415 
2.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  29,777 
Reduction of the CO2 emissions is one of the key developmental and environmental objectives in generation of mechanical energy, electricity and heat. Due to the fact that in short- and medium term it is inevitable to use fuels containing carbon, it is necessary to increase the share of renewable energy resources and optimize energy consumption. This is in line with EU guidelines and regulations as well as global and national protocols. Considering this objective, Slovenia has an excellent starting points, since more than 58% of the area is covered by forests. Lignocellulosic materials can be liquefied by using glycols at elevated temperatures and in the presence of acid catalyst. Process, patented by the project team members is allowing direct conversion of lignocelulosic materials into the liquid phase without the intermediate gaseous phase. This leads to high energy efficiency (over 98%), simplicity of the process, increased safety and the possibility of cost-effective production in large quantities. The originality of the projected results originates from application of liquefied wood in a gas turbine, since chemical and physical fuel properties significantly differ from those of traditional fuels, which are frequently used in engines. Activities in the project will be focused on a research of combustion of this type of fuel through extensive parametric study on the experimental gas turbine. By changing the key input thermodynamic variables, responses of experimental system in terms of exhaust emissions and working ability of the gas turbine will be examined. With the iterative procedure, fuel composition which is the most appropriate for use in gas turbines will be defined considering maximization of the renewable content. Fuel preheating system will be developed, which will allow the use of liquefied wood and realization of experiments with different types of fuel nozzles and their thermal protections. Changes made to various systems throughout the experimental setup will be evaluated by measuring exhaust emissions using constant flow analyzing equipment that allows for a real time monitoring of exhaust gas emissions concentrations. This will give a detailed insight into phenomena of flammable mixture formation and understanding of mechanisms, responsible for the formation of certain intermediate products of combustion. Parameters of test points will be chosen in a way to represent conditions, present in professional microturbines. During the project, influence of corrosion properties of liquefied wood on various process materials will be examined. Results of this study will be implemented into the heating system, designed to lower the viscosity of the fuel with the aim to achieve reliable operation. Detrimental effects of exhaust gas composition on hot path components will be examined. Based on the abrasive and corrosion properties of ash deposits and its elemental composition, sustainability of gas turbine operation and necessary measures to ensure it, will be given. These will include filtration of the fuel and determination of corrosion mechanisms, caused by ash deposits. First phase of the project includes extensive laboratory research phase. Second phase of the project will be dedicated to convert and upgrade a commercial gas turbine with the electrical power of approximately 100kW for the use of liquefied wood and to demonstrate its stable and durable operation. Technology developed on the laboratory scale will be implemented in the gas turbine for generation of electricity. Changes will presumably fuel system and injectors and possibly the combustion chamber. Demonstration prototype turbine will be set up with professional monitoring system which will monitor all of the parameters, relevant for sustainability of operation. A production of electricity will serve as a first step towards the commercialization of innovative biofuels and promotion of the developed technology.
Significance for science
Results from the project significantly contribute to the scientific progress in the area of alternative fuels and fuels from renewable sources. Innovative patented liquified wood production procedure and numerous scientific papers from the members of the research group show the research topic is well accepted internationally. In the scope of the project, there were therefore published: -8 scientific articles, 6 of which are classified in the first quarter of fields. 4 of these are in top 5% considering IF (A'') and 3 are in top 10% considering IF (A'). -3 academic articles -7 conference papers, organised as scientific articles -1 invited lecture -6 conference abstracts -4 technical reports on research results -7 studies -1 doctoral dissertation -3 master theses -1 TV programme The contribution to science and technology comes from the multiple performed activities. These are foremost the detailed analyses of chemical reactions kinetics, which are responsible for creation of harmful emissions, and analyses of how different physical and chemical fuel characteristics affect various materials. An additional contribution is given by analysis of combustion products and ash effects on the longevity of combustion device components. The broadness of these findings originates mainly from the large matrix of performed experiments, which enables a good insight in the interaction between fuel characteristics and observed engine parameters. The fact that this knowledge can be largely transferred to other biofuels is also important and puts the research group in advantage, as no other group (even globally) has an experimental system capable of combusting such highly viscous biofuels. A specific contribution of the presented work is also in the newly revealed research areas, since the first use of liquefied wood in a microturbine raised many questions which cannot be answered with the current level of knowledge. The mentioned areas are mainly connected to the combustion kinetics and formation of PM and NOx emissions during combustion of fuels from lignocellulosic biomass, which exhibit high viscosity and high oxygen content. Research in these areas will continue, even after the end of this project, in the scope of confirming numerous other scientific hypotheses from this study. With this in mind, there were various international cooperations initiated with research groups abroad, amongst which the most important are: University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; VUB University, Brussels and research center RE-CORD in Florence. Results from the project served also to form following applications for international funding calls (1 application to FP7, 1 application in cooperation FWO-ARRS, joining the COST network, 1 H2020 application, there is an application for two side cooperation Slovenia-Italy underway). General knowledge gained through this project is otherwise regularly used in numerous other running and future projects in the scope of H2020, national fundings from various research agencies and applicable industrial researches.
Significance for the country
Successful project completion has a notable influence on positioning of Slovenian research community in the international space. Knowledge about fuel production process, synthesis of suitable formulation for use in gas turbines, knowledge for development of support systems, engine adaptation and whole experimental setup for fuel production and fuel utilization is fully developed by the project group. This has high impact on the visibility of research group members. Research performed during the project is a complete novelty and present the worlds first evaluation of liquefied wood as a fuel, which significantly increases the rating of Slovenian research groups dealing with this issue. Project results are opening a way for commercialization of developed technical solutions by the project partner GGP d.o.o.. Considering the availability of feedstock, simplicity and safety of fuel production process and its use in gas turbines, which are known for their reliability, high efficiency and availability, appropriate steps of the co-financing partner after project ending could contribute to increase in energy generation from renewable resources in Slovenia which directly influences the quality of life and contributes to shift towards low-carbon society.This has also direct economical impact through reduced environmental taxes, energy independence and stability of electrical grid. Research work on this innovative area resulted in protection of intellectual property through patent applications and at the same time also dissemination of the results in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This presents a certain market advantage for all involved parties. During the project, research work was disseminated also to students of all three Bologna levels, which will positively influence the knowledge base in the area of biomass conversion and its use for energy generation. Students educated on this topic are expected to share the ideas throughout the industry which could lead to wider impact by increasing the awareness of renewable energy options and consequent increase in CO2 neutral energy production. Project achievements also considerably increase the chances of successful project applications in either international funding schemes, direct industrial funding or bi-lateral cooperations across the EU and worldwide. It is expected that lower dependency on national funding will be achieved for project partners due to more competitive position of the project group.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, 2015, final report
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