Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Reactor Physics

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.03.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Energy engineering   
1.07.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Computer intensive methods and applications   

Code Science Field
T160  Technological sciences  Nuclear engineering and technology 

Code Science Field
2.02  Engineering and Technology  Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering 
1.01  Natural Sciences  Mathematics 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (25)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  38278  PhD Klemen Ambrožič  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2016 - 2019  116 
2.  01048  PhD Bruno Cvikl  Physics  Retired researcher  2014 - 2019  215 
3.  31776  PhD Dušan Čalič  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  89 
4.  01116  PhD Milan Čerček  Physics  Retired researcher  2014 - 2019  318 
5.  36329  PhD Aljaž Čufar  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  652 
6.  10401  PhD Tomaž Gyergyek  Physics  Researcher  2014 - 2018  425 
7.  15737  PhD Robert Jeraj  Physics  Researcher  2014  556 
8.  03943  PhD Ivan Aleksander Kodeli  Computer intensive methods and applications  Researcher  2014 - 2019  966 
9.  38202  PhD Bor Kos  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2015 - 2019  671 
10.  30680  PhD Jernej Kovačič  Mechanical design  Researcher  2014 - 2019  246 
11.  04538  PhD Marjan Kromar  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  308 
12.  19167  PhD Igor Lengar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2014 - 2018  1,203 
13.  36338  PhD Vid Merljak  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  38 
14.  52060  Anže Pungerčič  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2018 - 2019  70 
15.  32163  PhD Vladimir Radulović  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  251 
16.  15739  Dušan Rudman    Technical associate  2014 
17.  27760  PhD Urban Simončič  Physics  Researcher  2014  121 
18.  07991  Slavko Slavič  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2014 - 2019  94 
19.  27819  PhD Luka Snoj  Energy engineering  Head  2014 - 2019  1,890 
20.  37483  PhD Žiga Štancar  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2014 - 2019  367 
21.  53533  Ingrid Švajger  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2019  38 
22.  08557  PhD Andrej Trkov  Energy engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2019  798 
23.  15742  Bojan Žefran    Technical associate  2014 - 2019  153 
24.  29546  PhD Gašper Žerovnik  Computer intensive methods and applications  Researcher  2014 - 2019  235 
25.  50516  PhD Andrej Žohar  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2017 - 2019  107 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  92,024 
2.  1538  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Ljubljana  1626965  28,027 
In the field of research and development of methods for neutronics calculations of fission and fusion reactors we intend to use accurate computational tools based on the Monte Carlo method for particle transport to quantitatively estimate the validity of some approximations and physical models in our current version of the CORD-2 package for light-water reactor core calculations. Using such calculations we shall tune the CORD-2 models. By the coupling of thermohydraulic and neutronic modules we shall investigate the behaviour of the outer edge of the fuel pellet. By modelling the fusion device JET we shall develop methods to determine the response of the neutron detectors and study the effect of various external factors on the detector response in JET; since the new first-wall in JET is similar to that in ITER and DEMO, the results are relevant for these two reactors as well. In the field of the detection and the analysis of processes and reactions with radiation we plan to continue our long-term collaboration with the researchers from the CEA, France and implement a more complex measuring system on the TRIGA reactor by using several detectors in order to reduce the power-reading dependence on the core configuration. We shall also test new (mainly self-powered) detectors, which are manufactured in their laboratory. Another on-going activity is the development of cheap thin-layer organic semiconductor detectors with enhanced sensitivity to neutrons. Furthermore, by detailed transport modelling we shall design an irradiation device that will include a component in the neutron spectrum from the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction, similar to the spectrum in fusion devices. In the field of nuclear data evaluation we shall continue our international collaboration on the evaluation methods and the validation of nuclear data on benchmark experiments, including further development of codes for the sensitivity/uncertainty analysis of the calculated integral quantities. In the field of plasma physics our research will be focused on the improvement of the experimental methods for the diagnostics of the edge plasmas with electric probes and analysers. Theoretical methods that will be used enable a deeper understanding of the basic problems in the formation of the potential structures before the electrodes in the plasma, such as the wall of the reactor and the probe surface. In the field of medical physics we shall continue our research towards successful treatment of cancer using image-guided methods. Our focus will be on the development and use of complex analytical methods of molecular imaging, particularly the positron-emission tomography (PET) for monitoring the success of tumour treatment and the estimate of the radiation damage to normal tissues, which results from the treatment of cancer with radiotherapy. At the same time we shall develop theoretical models for the evolution and treatment of cancer based on Monte Carlo methods.
Significance for science
The proposed research program covers a broad spectrum of reactor, radiation and medical physics. Particle transport modeling in fission reactors is tightly linked with the flourishing fields of fusion and medical physics. Therefore, it is expected that the results will be of broad interest and publishable in the leading journals in respective fields. Approximately 15 publications per year are expected (including research articles and book chapters). Based on the experiences, we expect the highest impact in the following areas of research: Deterministic and Monte Carlo calculations of various parameters in research and power reactors (e.g., peaking factor distributions, temperature reactivity coefficients, burnup reactivity gradients) Numerical evaluation of the power calibration with the DT sources in the JET reactor, analysis and validaiton of the correlation factors, as the key elements of reactor calibration Development of the criticality benchmarks through participation in the International Criricality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project Neutron activation of advanced materials used in fission and fusion reactors (ITER and DEMO) to charactrize the thermonuclear reactor radiation field Nuclear data evaluation for selected material and validation of the latest nuclear databases through benchmark experiments (collaboration in the NEA/OECD working groups) Upgrades of the SUSD3D perturbation method, such as fission spectrum sensitivity and delayed neutron uncertainty, which has been employed worldwide Improved understanding of the edge plasmas and development of advanced methods for electric probe measurements Development of the advanced molecular image analysis methods (e.g., positron emission tomography - PET) for treatment response assessment and normal tissue damage evaluation, particularly for evaluation of radiation therapy effects
Significance for the country
The reactor physics program group is the only research group of its kind in Slovenia, which has the expertise and the capacity to perform complex nuclear safety evaluations related to reactor physics and to provide expert support in the area of nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel cycle. Slovenia has two nuclear reactors, with optional plans for construction of an additional nuclear reactor and nuclear waste depository. All these planned future projects require extensive scientific and technical support, beyond the current capacity of the group, which has shrank significantly in the last decade. Therefore, training of the new personnel is of strategic importance for Slovenia. The project leader, together with a couple of other senior researchers, are the only academics that have a habilitation to lecture courses related to reactor physics, at the both undergraduate and graduate level. The program group is also heavily integrated with the masters program of medical physics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Ljubljana, which is the only training program that fulfills the requirements for the Medical Physics Experts, as noted in the Resolution on the Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2013-2023. Furthermore, the group provides support for the clinical users at the Institute of Oncology and University Hospital Clinics. In addition, members of this research program serve as consultants to the Commission for radiation safety of Republic of Slovenia; in the last period ten expert evaluations have been prepared on the behalf of the Commission. Furthermore, the group is regularly involved with the core design and physics start-up tests of the Nuclear Power Plant Krsko (long-term contract until 2023). The group also provides the necessary expertise for safe operation of the research reactor TRIGA.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
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