Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of NGOs in the field of health and strenghtening of cooperation

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.08.00  Medical sciences  Public health (occupational safety)   

Code Science Field
B680  Biomedical sciences  Public health, epidemiology 

Code Science Field
3.03  Medical and Health Sciences  Health sciences 
nongovernmental sector, NGOs, public health, monitoring, evaluation of the nongovernmental sector
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (3)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  14633  Ada Hočevar Grom  Public health (occupational safety)  Researcher  2016 - 2017  421 
2.  19176  PhD Helena Jeriček Klanšček  Public health (occupational safety)  Head  2015 - 2017  397 
3.  14641  PhD Mirna Macur  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2017  224 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3333  National Institut of Public Health  Ljubljana  6462642  18,429 
Nongovernmental sector in Slovenia is not as developed as it is abroad; we also lack research in the field. There are numerous terms describing nongovernmental sector like non-profit, humanitarian, independent, nongovernmental, civil society organisations etc. Even though we find different names for our topic of research there is one thing in common to all of these organisations: institutionally they are separate from the state, the core purpose of their existence is functioning for a greater good, they have formal structure and rules, membership is not obligatory.  Nongovernmental organisations started to work in early nineties of the previous century, their development speeded up when Centre for informing, cooperation and development of nongovernmental organisations (CNVOS) started in 2001 and when government of republic of Slovenia adopted strategy for cooperation with nongovernmental organisations in 2003. In recent years the number of NGOs increases for 500 per year. The fastest growing number of NGOs in recent years is a number of institutes (private), the slowest growing number is the number of societies/associations. Nevertheless the biggest share of NGOs in Slovenia belongs to societies/associations, close to 90%. The smallest share of NGOs – just 0,9% - belong to foundations, whereas there are 9,6% of institutes (private) (Kolarič et al., 2002). In the International Classification of Non-profit Organizations (ICNPO) we find classification of NGOs in respect to the field of activity: Culture/art and recreation/sport; Education and research; Health; Social services; Environment; Development and housing; Law, advocacy and politics; Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion; International; Religion; Business and professional associations, unions; Not elsewhere classified (The international Classification of Non-profit organisations). However, as Kolarič and Rakar (2010) state, most nongovernmental organisations in Slovenia are in the field of sport, recreation, art and culture as well as professional associations, much smaller is the number of societies in the field of health, educational and socio-care services. Systematic overview of the fields of NGOs gives us roughly four areas of their activities: economy; politics; social and health care; organisations that provide common activities for the needs of its members in the field of cultural, social and other needs. Among non-profit organisations in the field of social and health care, we find humanitarian organisations and support activities for groups of citizens in a need for help. These are organisations for the help and services to the sick, older, injured, addicted, poor and disadvantaged people. Here we find various humanitarian organisations, organisations for help in development and self-help group. Major problems of nongovernmental organisations in the field of health in Slovenia are: the lack of systematic overview over the activities of the nongovernmental organisations in the field of health; lack of the analysis of their problems, obstacles for development and conditions for functioning, lack of monitoring and evaluation of their functioning as well as models of evaluation; level of development of NGOs in the field of health is lower in comparison with other sectors; there is a lack of encouragement of professionalization of these NGOs, lack of cooperation between NGOs in the field of health as well as with the government. Goals of the project proposal are therefore: - Acquirement of the complete list of NGOs in the field of health according to legal status (society / private institute / foundation) and activities (according to the standard classification of activities to which NGOs are declared) - Analysis of NGOs in the field of health. List of NGOs will be completed with information from legal basis of the NGOs: target population, to which the activities of the NGO are oriented, as well as number of employees of the NGO. Completed li
Significance for science
V Sloveniji obstaja precej virov o nevladnem sektorju, njegovem obsegu, vlogi, virih financiranja, nismo pa zasledili posebne študije o nevladnem sektorju na področju zdravja. Obstajajo viri o nevladnem sektorju na ožjem področju duševnega zdravja: Grabrijan, B. (2006). Razvoj programov nevladnega sektorja na področju duševnega zdravja. Socialno delo, 45(3/5), 213-220. Kovač, N. (2006). Neprofitno volonterske organizacije kot izvajalke skrbi v skupnosti na področju duševnega zdravja. Magistrska naloga, Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede. Zorko, M. in Jeriček Klanšček, H. (2009). Pregled nevladnih organizacij s področja duševnega zdravja. V: H. Jeriček Klanšček, M. Zorko in M. Bajt (ur.), Duševno zdravje v Sloveniji (str. 92-99). Ljubljana: Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije.  Projekt bo prvič sistematično analiziral stanje in potrebe NVO na področju zdravja. Uporabili bomo kvalitativno in kvantitativno metodologijo in tako skušali problem obdelati čim bolj celostno.  Izjemno velika vrednost projekta bo pregled in tipologija nevladnih organizacij na področju zdravja. Okrogla miza in fokusne skupine nam bodo dale vpogled v vsakdanje delo, ovire pri njihovem delu, delno tudi v uspešnost njihovega delovanja, ter prednosti v primerjavi z drugimi sektorji na svojem področju dela. Poleg tega bomo predvideli tudi model spremljanja in evalviranja NVO, kar do sedaj še ni bilo narejeno. Vse to bo prineslo nova spoznanja na področju javnega zdravja, predvsem preventivne znanosti in promocije zdravja. Pregled delovanja NVO, njihovo spremljanje in evalviranje bo lahko prispevalo k ustvarjanju novih konceptov, modelov, pristopov, razumevanja  ali pa prilagajanje že obstoječih konceptov iz teorije načrtovanja, priprave, spremljanja in evalviranja promocijskih in preventivnih programov na splošno.
Significance for the country
Gospodarske družbe in samostojni podjetniki so v sferi zasebnega profitnega sektorja, medtem ko je nevladni sektor del neprofitnega zasebnega sektorja in opravlja tiste storitve, ki jih trg (torej gospodarstvo) ne opravlja. V tem smislu je nevladni sektor gospodarstvu komplementaren in zato potreben. Projekt ima potencial, da spodbudi, okrepi in podpre delovanje že obstoječih NVO na področju zdravja v Sloveniji in spodbudi nastanek novih NVO, saj dosedanje analize kažejo, da so tovrstne NVO  primerjavi z ostalimi področji (npr. šport, kultura itd.) v manjšini, pa tudi sicer je nevladni sektor v Sloveniji slabo razvit. Poleg tega bo spremljanje in evalviranje omogočilo boljšo kvaliteto in večjo učinkovitost NVO, kar pa bo imelo neposredne učinke na boljše zdravje ljudi in posredne na boljše gospodarske kazalnike, saj je zdrav in zadovoljen delavec tudi najbolj učinkovit. Ker gospodarstvo vstopa v nevladni sektor kot financer nekaterih dejavnosti in ta analiza bo nakazala tudi, katere dejavnosti NVO je smiselno in potrebno sofinancirati.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
Views history