A method was protected to elaborate laboratory tools with ionic plasma in order to minimize adhesion of extracellular vesicles on walls of dishes and pipette tipses.
F.32 International patent
COBISS.SI-ID: 28412967International summer School, organized by University of Ljubljana, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Global Water Partnership (GWP CEE) and with co-financing of COST Action took place in Piran between 18-28 June 2019 for students from 14 countries (Armenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and Turkey) and lecturers from GWP (central, eastern and south Europe, Stockholm), ZHAW, Universities from Ljubljana, Wageningen and Girona, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, Technisches Büro für Kulturtechnik, Alchemia Nova, Netherlands Water Partnership. The event provided a multi-layered programme aimed at bridging theoretical knowledge, practical issues and links to policies in water resource management. The focus was on the concepts for ecological water management in water-scarce areas. The topics included socio-economical and technical aspects of decentralised wastewater treatment systems, ecological sanitation methods, integrated water resources management, water governance processes, their conceptualisation and the first steps towards their practical implementation.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 8860769One of the mechanisms underlying these processes is the formation of membrane micro- and nanostructures.The development of experimental techniques and mathematical modeling has led to the finding that biological membranes are often organized into forms of very small structures (nanostructures). Cell membranes can form thin growths that participate in how the cell adheres to the surface, how it orients itself and in which direction it moves. Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (Miha Fošnarič and Veronika Kralj-Iglič), Faculty of electrical engineering of the University of Ljubljana (Aleš Iglič and Samo Penič) and colleagues from abroad (Brian R. Graziano, Jason P. Town, Tamas L. Nagy, Nir Gov, Alba Diz-Munoz and Orion D. Weiner) are based on thin membrane outgrowths recently proposed an explanation for the polarization (directed distribution of constituents) of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response). To this end, they developed a computer program to simulate active cell membrane structures using the Monte Carlo method to search for stationary configurations.
E.01 National awards
Before swimming in the sea or outdoor pools, we usually protect ourselves from the sun with sunscreen. The water in the pools must be safe for bathers, so we use various disinfectants, most often chlorine. However, these agents are highly reactive and can also react with the sunscreens ingredients and form various products. So what happens in different bathing waters? Depending on the water and the disinfectant used in the pool, the hygiene of the bathers and the sunscreen used, many compounds are formed, including carcinogens. These compounds can enter our body as bathing aerosols by respiration.
C.01 Editorial board of a foreign/international collection of papers/book
COBISS.SI-ID: 5718891Excellent communication between the patient and the doctor is the basis for successful treatment and prevention of the disease. Doctors, nurses and other health professionals often have to overcome language barriers in their work, as they encounter patients coming from other countries, furthermore, they do not know or understand Slovene. They also bring with them the characteristics of their socio-cultural environment, including religious beliefs and views on health and disease. The ability to communicate with users of health services who do not understand Slovene is thus becoming more critical in everyday work in many health care institutions in Slovenia. With this in mind, we embarked on the project of publishing a dictionary intended to facilitate the communication of migrants with medical staff. The multilingual handbook has been translated into seven languages, namely Albanian, English, Arabic, Farsi or Persian, French, Chinese and Russian.
C.01 Editorial board of a foreign/international collection of papers/book
COBISS.SI-ID: 299344384