At a scientific conference for young scientists and researchers (Cutting Edge 2019) in September 2019 we presented the results, which focused on the synthesis of polydentate triazoline structures and the study of their synthesis, supported by theoretical DFT studies
E.03 Other
COBISS.SI-ID: 4823665As an interviewee, the project leader participated in an event within the Erasmus + R.A.I.S.E. project, where he explained why it is important to study cyclic and acyclic triazole structures and their use as coordinating species for iron-catalyzed applications. The topic of the presentation focused on the approaches we use as researchers in this field to develop new coordination compounds and catalytic systems. An important goal of the postdoctoral project was to transfer the acquired knowledge to the non-professional public, which we did also through this event.
F.18 Transfer of new know-how to direct users (seminars, fora, conferences)
COBISS.SI-ID: 4854641Dr. Aljoša Bolje took part in the radio program Studioob 17ih (RTV Slovenia, 1.program, September 28, 2018). The program is broadcast regularly (Radio Slovenia 1. program) and is extremely important for the popularization of science in Slovenia. The latter was also one of the important socio-economic goals of the project. In the program he spoke about why iron is important for catalysis and why multidentate complexing agents are crucial for its use. Further, I presented the research done so far on the development of new cyclic and acyclic triazole structures for coordination to iron(II) and the goals for the future.
F.18 Transfer of new know-how to direct users (seminars, fora, conferences)
COBISS.SI-ID: 3250020At the invited lecture within the European Researcher`s night 2018, which takes place under the auspices of European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions), I presented the postdoc project and important research results. I presented the role of multidentate compounds as complexing agents, their importance for iron as a metal and how the resulting compounds can be used for polymerization. I also presented the preparation of selected multidentate triazole structures and the study of their synthesis via reaction conditions studies.
B.06 Other
COBISS.SI-ID: 6521626At the invited lecture at the 2nd Janko Jamnik Symposium meeting for young scientists, which took place at the Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana (29 November 2018), project leader Aljoša Bolje presented the unpublished results of the development of new multidentate cyclic and acyclic triazoles and their synthesis investigations via reaction conditions and with the help of DFT calculations. The renowned scientist Prof. Dr. Ade Yonath, Nobel Laureate in chemistry (2009), also took part in the event.
B.06 Other
COBISS.SI-ID: 6542106