In the elite Serials; Handbook of dietary phytochemicals, we have published two chapters. POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša, PRISLAN, Iztok, CIGIĆ, Blaž. Coumaric and cinnamic acids in food. V: XIAO, Jianbo (ur.), SARKER, Satyajit D. (ur.), ASAKAWA, Yoshinori (ur.). Handbook of dietary phytochemicals. Singapore: Springer. 2019 , str. 1-40, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5136248] kategorija: 3A (Z, A', A1/2); tip dela je verificiral OSICN točke: 60, št. avtorjev: 3/3 BALDI, Alessandra, ABRAMOVIČ, Helena, POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša, DAGLIA, Maria. Tea catechins. V: XIAO, Jianbo (ur.), SARKER, Satyajit D. (ur.), ASAKAWA, Yoshinori (ur.). Handbook of dietary phytochemicals. Singapore: Springer. 2019 , str. 1-46, ilustr., [COBISS.SI-ID 5127288] kategorija: 3A (Z, A', A1/2); tip dela je verificiral OSICB točke: 30, št. avtorjev: 2/4
D.10 Educational activities
COBISS.SI-ID: 5136248With the industrial partners from Valentis from Litva, we managed to developed the new method for encapsulation the nonpolar molecules into proliposmes.
F.32 International patent
COBISS.SI-ID: 5150840Guest editor of Journal of food quality (COBISS.SI-ID 517759769) and the coauthor of co-author of cover words and templates in special editions »Bioactive compounds from food byproducts« (COBISS.SI-ID 5022072).
C.03 Guest-associated editor
COBISS.SI-ID: 5022072Nataša Poklar Ulrih invited speaker at IX Conference of the Serbian Biochemical Society [also] BDS, Belgrade, 14-16. November 2019, (Biologia Serbica, ISSN 2334-6590, vol. 41; 2). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology. 2019, vol. 41, no. 2, str. 44-50, ilustr., doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3532072.
B.04 Guest lecture
COBISS.SI-ID: 5112184Iztok Prislan was a visiting professor at University of Nebraska, USA. Durring his visit he had a lecture at University Medical Center. Other invited lectures at forin Universities: POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša. Encapsulation of bioactive compounds and microorganisms : lecture at Scientific Library of North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) in the framework of Bilateral project "Microencapsulation of microorganisms for prolonging the shelf life of mixed culture fermentation of dairy products", Stavropol, Russian Federation, 27. 11. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 5133944] POGAČNIK, Lea. Natural sources of antioxidants. Invasive knotweeds - the source of bioaktive substances. Introduction to biosensors : [lectures at the] Erasmus+ (STA) Teaching staff mobility in the academic year 2018/2019, Université Paris est Créteil, 13. 5. - 17. 5. 2019 (4 ure). [COBISS.SI-ID 5063800] POGAČNIK, Lea. Natural sources of antioxidants : [lecture at the] Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Department of Technology of Microbiological Synthesis between September 12 and September 22, 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 5101432] kategorija: SU (S) POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša. Presentation of Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana : lecture at Scientific Library of North-Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) in the framework of Bilateral project "Microencapsulation of microorganisms for prolonging the shelf life of mixed culture fermentation of dairy products", Stavropol, Russian Federation, 25. 11. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 5134200] POKLAR ULRIH, Nataša. Interactions of phenolic compounds with biological macromolecules : lecture at Graduate Departmental Seminar Series, University of Toronto, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, Toronto, July 5, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 4927352]
B.05 Guest lecturer at an institute/university
COBISS.SI-ID: 4969848