We have long tradition of successful industrial collaboration that have resulted in several new prototypes and technologies, some of them patented and some of them entered production. Just in the last 2 and half year we have finished the following projects: 1. Developed prototype of a diagnostic device enabling detection of retinal vascular degeneration (TRL 6). Patent confirmed to be granted soon P2020135 by EPO - WO2019/164455 & PCT/SI2019/050007 . (2016-2019) 2. Developed new generation of smart ophthalmic systems for Optotek medical allowing automatic focus correction (TRL 5). Demonstrator built, tested by medical doctors and ready to evaluate its economic potential. (2016-2020) 3. Upgraded CLOUD system of Vitrocell GmbH company advancing the self-assembly of the in vitro lung-tissue-on-chip (TRL 7). Prototype ready for the market. (2016-2020) 4. Development of a process that stabilizes pharmaceutical compositions comprising an improved histidine-based buffer system that reduces the degradation of polysorbates. (TRL 4). Patent application filled. (2018-2020) 5. Developed concept of the disease prediction and spin-out it into new company Infinite d.o.o. to revolutionize animal-alternative toxicological assessment (TRL 7). Service upgraded by Infinite and ready to enter the market. (2018-2021)
F.32 International patent
Education of young experts requires special skills and has large socioeconomic impact as well. In the last 27 months we have finished supervision of 33 undergraduate and graduate students and 1 PhD student. This moment we supervise 6 PhD student. In average, members of our P1-0060 program supervise between 5 and 10 PhD student every research program cycle (6 years). In addition, we are continuously involved in teaching courses at different faculties in Slovenia. For example at Bologna I and II level: prof. dr. Janez Štrancar (FPhysical measurements (UNI-MB FNM Fizika), Advanced experimental methods in physics and biophysics (UNI-MB FNM Fizika II), Molecular biophysics (UNI-LJ FFA LBM II)), prof. dr. Igor Serša (Physics (UNI-LJ FFA LBM), Physics of anatomical imaging (UNI-LJ FMF MEF II)), doc. dr. Aleš Mohorič and prof.dr. Gorazd Planinšič (Comission for Matura, Physics 1 (UNI-LJ FMF FMT), Physical praktikum I and II as well as Project work I and II (UNILJ FMF Fizika 1), How things works? (UNI-LJ FMF PEF), Methodical praktikum (UNI-LJ FMF)).
D.09 Tutoring for postgraduate students
COBISS.SI-ID: 3355003At the invitation of the journal Molecules, Igor Serša became the guest and topic editor of this journal in 2020. He edits a special issue of the journal entitled "Advances in NMR and MRI of Materials". In the invited lecture, an overview of our research of blood clots by magnetic resonance imaging and optical microscopy was presented. Our mathematical models for the time dynamics of clot dissolution were presented as well. Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko. MOHORIČ, Aleš (področni urednik 2008-). Ljubljana:DMFA Invited lectures of Gorazda Planinšiča resuming advanced didactical approaches (Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2020; 2020 Summer Meeting Workshops, July 10-31, 2020. College Park: American Association of Physics Teachers; University of Washington 2021)
C.04 Editorial board of an international magazine
COBISS.SI-ID: 32729639In addition to traditionally didactically oriented activities, which include the preparation of textbooks at all levels, with the onset of the COVID 19 epidemic, we immediately focused on the development of new materials for distance learning. The materials (in English), which we developed in collaboration with colleagues from Rutgers University, USA, were first presented at an invited workshop at an international conference. Then, within our research group, we translated and adapted the selected materials to correspond to the Slovenian gymnasium curriculum for physics. The materials comprise 19 units and are freely available in electronic form. A. Mohorič was also the head of the program committee and the organizer of the 1st conference on teaching mathematics, physics and astronomy (international conference), the organizer of the DMFA https://www.dmfa.si/ODrustvu/NovicaPrikaz.aspx?itemid=274 and Chairman of the National Subject Commission for the General Matura in Physics.
D.10 Educational activities
COBISS.SI-ID: 31869443