At the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the University of Maribor, a new project started in November 2020 with the aim of developing optimization approaches for sustainable food production and a higher share of locally produced food. The project implements a process system approach to optimise the food supply chain at the level of the Republic of Slovenia. Possible solutions for sustainable food production are proposed, aiming at an appropriate balance between plant-based and meat-based food. The results will help decision-makers to guide the further development of agricultural policy in order to create conditions that enable a higher and more balanced share of high quality, locally produced food and food products. The contents and objectives of the project are in line with the priority areas "Sustainable food production" and "Networks for the transition to a circular economy" in Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy S4.
D.01 Chairing over/coordinating (international and national) projects
COBISS.SI-ID: 44107267