The basic research on architectural theory in focused on the Slovene cultural context and its role within the European and World theoretic flows. The presentation of the architectural theoretical developments is on one hand a phenomenological, and, on the other hand, encyclopaedically classified interpretation of all the achievements of architectural theory leading towards evaluation criteria and specific architectural achievements.
COBISS.SI-ID: 228801536
A book deals with three elements of the stone-made cultural heritage in Extremadure: theoretical starting point of corbelling, documentation of selected buildings – their location (GPS data), maps, detailed plans (location plan, floor plan, evaluation, views), proportion analysis, photo-gallery (of all chozo types). The theory introduces the necessary actions for preservation and renewal. The material offers a potential of raising awareness of local professional and general public, as an important element of neglected area of Spain.
COBISS.SI-ID: 2110852
A new urban methodology of both development and protection is introduced into the Slovene and European cultural context, presented in a bilingual book on renewal of settlements and architecture. The parallel result of the multidisciplinary research within the EU 5th framework programme (Re Urban Mobil) is upgraded from the results of several decades of focused thematic research. There are several strategies, actions and tools developed and framed into a long-term method.
COBISS.SI-ID: 231072768
The monograph ‘Pasivna hiša’ (Passive House) is the first comprehensive publication on this topic in Slovene language, representing – at the present moment - the most optimal concept of energy-saving. Recognition and introduction of the concept discussed into Slovene cultural context in essential to reduce energy use and emissions, deriving from heating systems. This goal is included in the National action plan for energy efficiency 2008-2016.
COBISS.SI-ID: 232580352
A development of virtual laboratory system for virtual design studios (VDS).
COBISS.SI-ID: 2038916