The AMGI SRC SASA organized a scientific symposium (3rd Anton Melik geographical days) entitled Nature against society? The congress was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute that was founded in 1946 by the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts The symposium was attended by 48 scientists of different sciences and from 12 institutions. The themes were presented in 18 thematic issues such as natural resources and protection of environment, natural disasters, standard of living, perception of the geographical environment, link-up of the erosion and land use, etc.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 226576896Geographic information system in Slovenia is the name of the symopsium, we organize every even year. The biennial interdisciplinary meeting is tying up researchers, teachers, students and users of most different fields. Around 300 participants take part in it. Results are published in monographs. 73 authors presented 41 chapters in 2004 and 68 authors presented 33 chapters in 2006.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 228103168Regional development in Slovenia is the name of the symopsium, we organize every odd year. The biennial interdisciplinary meeting is tying up researchers, planners, students and users of most different fields. Around 100 participants take part in it. Results are published in monographs. 60 authors presented 29 chapters in 2007. The main topic was sustainable regional development and important investment projects, which are included in the Resolution on national development projects for the period 2007–2023, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in 2006.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 234656000Editing and publishing of two scientific monographs: Geography of Slovenia and Georhythm, which present research achievments of the Institute members.
C.02 Editorial board of a national monograph
COBISS.SI-ID: 15801594The purpose of this event was to analyse specific cases and types of natural disasters in Slovenia. We presented the latest findings and means to control the sphere of natural disasters and we exchanged experiences and formed & reaffirmed bonds with researchers.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 242869248The AMGI SRC SASA organized a scientific symposium (3rd Anton Melik geographical days) entitled Nature against society? The congress was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Institute that was founded in 1946 by the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts The symposium was attended by 48 scientists of different sciences and from 12 institutions. The themes were presented in 18 thematic issues such as natural resources and protection of environment, natural disasters, standard of living, perception of the geographical environment, link-up of the erosion and land use, etc.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
Editing and publishing of two scientific monographs: Geography of Slovenia and Georhythm, which present research achievments of the Institute members.
C.02 Editorial board of a national monograph