Bilateral project BI-AT/07-08-005. During the joint field work in Austria, Slovenia and Montenegro several Triassic and Jurassic sections were sampled for conodonts, radiolarians and microfacies. The samples have been processed, and the faunas have been investigated under optical microscope and partly also with SEM. The results will be submitted to scientific journals in 2009 and 2010.
D.01 Chairing over/coordinating (international and national) projects
COBISS.SI-ID: 0000000At international scientific meetings, we presented five contributions treating the response of carbonate systems to global ecological and biotic crises at Triassic-Jurassic and Paleocene-Eocene boundaries. Both boundaries are characterized by a drastic decline in carbonate production by skeletal organisms and, instead, by predominance of microbially precipitated carbonates.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 29139501